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Waves Rushing in and Out of My Body
Cannabis & Methylphenidate
Citation:   ctchockey6. "Waves Rushing in and Out of My Body: An Experience with Cannabis & Methylphenidate (exp70490)". Mar 23, 2018.

T+ 2:00
  oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
Weed and Ritalin combo

My friends and I are bored one day so we put together all of the stuff we had from earlier in the week which consisted of 8 grams of weed and some 40 mg Ritalin. Its was Friday at about 1:30 when we decide we have enough weed for brownies. None of us have actually had hash brownies but we think it will be a good idea. We mix the weed into a brownie mix and we add about half a stick of butter since that extracts the THC out of the weed. We cook in the oven and wait.

When the brownies are done we cut them in squares and ate them as fast as we could. We do notice that the house reeks of weed and we open all of the windows. We know it takes a while to kick in so we sit down and play some videogames. We start to get bored after about and hour so we call up some more people and have them over. It’s a pretty good time 2 hours in and I start to notice that I do feel a high coming on. At this point I decide to take the Ritalin to see if I can get some sweet affects.

Its been about 3 hours now and I really start to feel my high and so are my friends. They are all full of energy but I don’t, I just want to sit down and stare at stuff. The Ritalin makes me focus in on an object and things form around it like ocean waves. Everything seems like a wide angle lens and im in some sort of cartoon. It reminds me of a video camera just taking pictures so I close and open my eyes rapidly. This is awesome, the Ritalin is a great additive to the high because it makes you sit and stare which makes all of your cares drift away.

About 5 hours after consumption it starts to kick I even more. It is mildly uncomfortable but enjoyable all the same. I have a real need to draw so I gather up some paper and writing utensils and start scribbling. It is amazing what I can create. I stare at the paper and I see the outline of what I want to draw and my hand follows the lines my mind has created. This is absolutely amazing.

6 Hours into the trip and my cotton mouth is insane, I drink some water to overcome the dryness. With every swig my body can feel the waves rushing in and out of my body. It’s a complete sedation of my body. Everything is calm and relaxed.

My parents come to pick me up so I put in some eye drops and go out to the car. On the ride home I space out and enjoy the high beams going on and off.

The next day I wake up and think about what I just did when I realize I am still as high as I was the night before and so I fall back asleep immediately. I wake up about 6 hours later and im hung over.

All and all it was a good trip, I don’t know what it would be like without the Ritalin but I seemed to enjoy that aspect of it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70490
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 23, 2018Views: 2,152
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : General (1), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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