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Finally Got It Right
Kratom (Thai)
Citation:   General Cornwallace. "Finally Got It Right: An Experience with Kratom (Thai) (exp70561)". Erowid.org. Nov 7, 2008. erowid.org/exp/70561

8.0 g oral Kratom (powder / crystals)
Well, this is my third time trying kratom. The first two were with Bali kratom, the regular and fairly shitty commercial stuff. I hardly felt anything, and I was losing hope in kratom. But then I ordered some Ultra Enhanced Indo from a different vendor, and got a 10g bag of Thai kratom as a free sample. I decided to try that first.

The only mistake I made was trying to just mix the 10g with water and drink it. It didn't work, and it tasted awful. I was gagging to get it down and probably lost a gram or two in the process... and I felt a little sick to my stomach from all the water I drank. However, about 20 minutes later, the mellow relaxing effects set in, and I felt fine.

The full effects of the kratom didn't kick in until about an hour later, when I noticed the regular mild euphoria and slight affects on vision. At about an hour and a half I hit the peak of the experience, feeling perfect bliss. I ate a bagel because I was hungry. That was a bad idea, I think, because now two hours later on the come-down I feel a bit nauseous. I also have a very slight headache, but the euphoria still lingers.

Overall this was an extremely positive kratom experience. The high is great -- mellow enough to stay completely lucid, but sedating enough to feel amazing at the same time.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70561
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 7, 2008Views: 11,063
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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