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Bleed Black Tar Smack
by CRx
Citation:   CRx. "Bleed Black Tar Smack: An Experience with Heroin (exp71017)". Sep 21, 2020.

      Cannabis (daily)
Halfway through my junior year, I moved back in with my mother and went back to my old school, with all my old friends, but there was a new friend now. We'll call him Sleepy.
Sleepy is a cool guy. After a couple of weeks, my friends get my behind closed doors and tell me that he smokes 'opium.'
I had always been interested in trying opium, but I live in the western US and the closest opium I know of is on the other side of the world.

This sounds exotic, I think I'll try it.

We bought a 'p,' or 0.1g of the stuff for a cool ten dollars. Now my first hit of this junk tasted identical to barbecued chicken. I guess it was cut with the stuff, but it got me and a friend SLOW. He threw up oranges all over the place, and I left sometime after. I sat in my neighbors spa and smoked what ended up being half of what we bought. I was in love.

After a while, driving across town, meeting sketchy Hispanics, dodging police and vans, I figured that what we were buying was probably black tar heroin, which it always had been of course. We called it, 'bleed'.


Over the course of about a year my behavior deteriorated my family, lost me most of my friends, and landed me in detox. I don't regret the last one though. I took in a good deal from the psych ward that I was in, and I carry it around today. I still smoke marijuana, but I've stopped taking heroin and coke. It takes a long time but I just had to want to stop, simply.

I was totally cut out of the world, (obviously) allowed no illegal drugs, and isolated inside a ward with about thirteen or fourteen other boys and girls who had threatened or attempted suicide. Two of my friends had been caught along with me, and were in with me for a while. That showed me about their personalities and motives, I dont speak much to either of them anymore. I dont speak much to any of my friends anymore.

I've been off for a little over a month. I've gained muscle and the color back in my face. I smoke weed every day, I am a happy man.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 71017
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 21, 2020Views: 872
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Heroin (27) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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