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Widescreen, High-Def Afternoon
Citation:   Jasmine. "Widescreen, High-Def Afternoon: An Experience with Piracetam (exp71387)". Mar 22, 2012.

2400 mg oral Piracetam (pill / tablet)
Back in 2002, I was the mother of 2 infants and the wife of a husband with serious health issues. In addition, I worked full-time as a database programmer/analyst consultant. It was quite a stressful time, and my mind was jello! I was unable to concentrate at work, and my job was quite intellectually demanding. I had done a bit of research into the so-called smart drugs, and after some serious research on the racetams, I decided to try piracetam. When the box came in the mail a few weeks later, I was nervous and excited. I took one of the blister packs with me to the office the next day, and decided to take 3-800mg tablets after lunch. Normally at that time of the day my mind was pretty shot, so I figured it couldn't hurt.

After about an hour, it felt like the curtain had been lifted on a wide-screen high-definition world. Everything seemed clearer, fresher, and for the first time in months, I did not feel like I had marshmallows stuffed in my cranium. The effects lasted several hours. I did not have any adverse reactions. I kept using piracetam when I needed to clear the marshmallows from my head, and it never failed to deliver. I reordered it several times, but finally stopped ordering it when my packgages began getting opened by Customs. They never confiscated my piracetam, and I know it is legal to possess, but nonetheless, I didn't want to run the risk.

After a 6-year hiatus, I just placed another order tonight. I can't wait to see the sequel to the high-def show I caught 6 years ago. Fingers crossed!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 71387
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 22, 2012Views: 9,683
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Piracetam (95) : Alone (16), Performance Enhancement (50), Glowing Experiences (4)

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