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Comfort Needed
Citation:   Nervous M. "Comfort Needed: An Experience with Cannabis (exp71407)". Aug 25, 2020.

4 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This was the third time smoking pot. The first two weren't nearly as intense, and as a beginner, I had no idea what I was doing or if I was even smoking correctly.

Two of my neighbors, A and Z, are frequent pot-smokers. They invited me to go smoke with them, and, I, of course, agreed.I'm not very comfortable when I hang out with them usually, because they're both perverted and I can't trust either of them. I knew it was a bad idea, but I didn't care at the time, which was a huge mistake.

It was around 9:00 PM when A and Z called me to inform me they were outside waiting for me. My mom, being so nervous, would never let me go out at night with two boys. So I had to jump out my window. I had no idea how I was going to get back into my house, but at the time, I wasn't worried about it. I met with A and Z and walked over Z's house, who lives 2 minutes away. We went inside Z's room, waited a little while, and then went outside to find something to smoke out of. It ended up being a Christmas candy cane. We went behind a truck in the backyard, and I found out only A was going to smoke with me.

I had no idea what I was doing, but took four great hits. It hadn't hit me yet, but Z kept pressuring me to take more hits. I knew I was done and I didn't want to smoke too much. Z asked me to look at some one-hitter, and when I looked down, it felt like I was hit in the head but felt no pain. The ground started spinning and I was unusually happy for a few seconds. A continued to smoke but I knew I was done. I couldn't stand still. I had to keep walking around in a circle. My thoughts would change around frequently. And then suddenly I realized they invited me to rape me and kill me. Being so high, such a thought seemed so likely. They would never invite me anywhere else, and when they did, they would make me feel uncomfortable with their sexualness (if that's a word).

About 5 minutes later, which seemed like hours, we ended up going back to Z's room. I kept trying to focus on something, but it was impossible. I tried to focus on the TV in Z's room so he wouldn't know I was extremely high, but I couldn't. I ended up texting my best friend that I was paranoid, but I couldn't even spell 'paranoid' correctly. A went to lay down on Z's bed, and I couldn't stand being there. I kept thinking that they were gonna rape me. A was getting unusually close to me, and that set my paranoia off so badly. No thoughts stayed in my head for more than a few seconds, but I ended up saying something like 'I'm gonna go outside for a second.' I put on my shoes and ended up walking out of Z's yard to my house. I saw a red truck that resembled someone's I know, and I concluded that that someone I know was going to help A and Z rape and kill me.

I walked and ended up hearing A's voice saying 'Get her.' Of course, it was a hallucination, but that scared the shit out of me. I called my mom while walking home, around 10 or so, telling her I had snuck out. I had no idea why I told her, but I walked all the way home and she met me at our fence. She knew I had been on something but she ignored it. I was unable to comprehend the trouble that I was going to be in for stupidly calling her, but I didn't care. I went to bed and watched TV. Z ended up calling me and I told him I was paranoid, but, being the dick he is, just teased me.

While in bed, my high was so much better. Many, many intense rushes of warmth would go through my body. It felt like I was on top of a warm fire that didn't hurt me. It was nothing near what I've ever felt before, but it felt extremely relaxing and really, really good. I couldn't lie on the same part of my body for a long period of time because of the overwhelming feeling of warmth that kept flowing throughout my body. I could think more clearly, and then I fell asleep.

I will never forget the paranoia I felt, even though I know now how foolish it was of me to think they would hurt me

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71407
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 25, 2020Views: 593
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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