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The Dance of a Computer Desk
Citation:   Studebacher Hoch. "The Dance of a Computer Desk: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp72777)". May 31, 2020.

20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
Last night was my first experience with the drug Zolpidem, commonly known as the prescription drug Ambien.To give a little background about myself and what made me want to try the drug, it's best to explain that I consider myself a pothead.A broke pothead at that.The main reason I smoke pot is to deal with depression.Being stoned calms me down and makes me feel less alone,or at least not as sad about being alone.Seeing as how I can't afford my wonderful weeds nowadays, I figured I'd try my the next best thing:pills.I haven't had much experience with pills with the exception of a few Xanax here and there(which never does anything for me except make me forgot things).

So in my quest to find a buzz,I came to the internet to look up what's what.After reading up a lot on DXM(which I have the materials to try,but decided to wait another day.Hopefully I can document that too),I decided to look at other alternatives.I went to raid my parent's huge stash of medicine they keep,which is more than ample enough to tranquilize a bear.I scrambled around,sifting through the laxatives and aspirin,looking for something that sounded good,until I stumbled upon a small bottle labeled AMBIEN.Having been damned certain I had heard something about it,I looked it up on the internet,and sure enough it was a drug known to cause fun. After reading a few experiences online to gauge what dosage I needed to take,I quickly popped two 10 mg pills and sat and waited.This was at about 2:00 AM.

After about 20 or 30 minutes of not feeling it, I decided to take a walk down my road,something I often do at night out of boredom.This is when I really started to feel it.My road looked like it stretched on forever and it seemed like I wasn't going anywhere,though I was clearly walking forward.After about 5 minutes I decided to go back home and sit outside for a bit.The effects started to gradually increase as I started to feel better and better until I decided to go inside.I think I watched TV for a bit,but have no recollection of what I watched or how long.I do remember getting up to the bathroom and experiencing a difficulty in motor skills,which me reminded me of being drunk a little bit,without the sick feeling alcohol usually leaves in me.After stumbling to the bathroom I decided to go relax and listen to music a bit in my room.This is where things became fun.

I turned on some music and sat and stared at my computer desk,which contained two empty water bottles,my speakers,my wallet,and a stack of CDs.I sat and stared at these objects for 30 minutes straight.The visual hallucinations were wonderful,though not constant,which was good in a way because it kept me fixated.The music didn't sound anything like it actually was(I should know,I wrote it!)and the water bottles looked like they were dancing.Matter of fact,I was convinced they were dancing and I even think I started talking to these items(though not aloud,thank God)after a while.Every once and a while the desk itself looked like it would slide back and do kind of like a landslide or something.I think deskslide would be the proper term.After about a half hour of this I quickly realized there was more to my room and decided to lay in bed,which resulted in me falling asleep shortly after.

The next morning I awoke and took the last remaining Ambien,which honestly didn't have much of an effect,or at least nothing as fun as the two I had taken that night.I really couldn't tell any real difference in my perception and all that ended up happening.Oh,and on a side note,when I woke up the dancing water bottles on my computer weren't there.Thinking I had picked them up,I checked the trash and found no trace.Maybe they found their true passion and went to a club or something.

Overall my impression of Ambien is extremely positive,although if done again it would have to be in a dose higher than 10 mg.I'm hoping my DXM experience will be just as good.Wish me luck!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72777
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2020Views: 1,375
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Hangover / Days After (46), Depression (15), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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