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Violently Psychedelic
Citation:   Imagery Overload. "Violently Psychedelic: An Experience with 2C-E (exp72860)". Feb 2, 2009.

33 mg oral 2C-E
    smoked Cannabis
A good friend of mine was able to obtain 2ce, 2ci, 2cb, miprocin, and psilocin from an overseas online vendor. One morning I came over to F's house to see all of the relatively unknown and mysterious chemicals. It was very weird administering these chemicals in a powder form, and I had many second thoughts. This stuff looked nuts, and by all means it stood up to my expectations.

Going into this trip, I was very apprehensive, anxious, and nervous, but I was in a very comfortable setting in a warm home with great friends that I had tripped with multiple times before, so I said what the hey, lets go to the looney bin. We decided to take this stuff in Kool Aid. We figured if we put 100 mg of the 2ce into 100 mL of water, it would mix into 1mg=1mL right? I still to this day don't know how accurate that was, but we put it in the bowl and heated the water a bit to ensure the liquid was uniform throughout. Added red kool aid and splitted it with 3 people, so I suppose it was somewhere between 30-40 mg of 2ce. I learned this is an extremely high dose within fifteen minutes.

A very weird body sensation ran through me so quickly that I started freaking out. No psychedelic had ever come up on me that fast, and it was absolutely insane. I started puking violently within 20 minutes, and so did one of the other day trippers that was with me. One was able to hold his stomach though, and I have no idea how. I was completely sedated and overwhelmed with this chemical. After a good puking session I was in an absolutely insane type of mood.

I remember thinking that we had all overdosed, and that these intense hallucinations I was experiencing along with the panic I was in would result in my transfer to the afterlife. I remember screaming out to my friends to make sure I was still alive, and I felt like we had gone overboard this time. I walked outside and ventured into the woods behind the house we where in, and had a mind expanding vision. I saw myself outside of my body, sitting there in the woods, and Tool's Wings for Marie Part 1 provided the musical backdrop for what then turned my trip around and calmed my ass down.

These type of visions that I am trying to describe are so completely unreal and surreal that they are very difficult to describe, especially in words. It was just a very serene, mind blowing hallucination, the kind that one points to as to why they do psychedelics. You feel the earth around you, you feel enlightened, like you are shown something no one has seen. The ground is swirling, edges glowing, colors forming and melting, and the whole time I was just seeing myself through another eye, and realized then that although these type of drugs provide much needed artistic, creative, and spiritual insight, they are not to be fucked with.

After this revelation I walked inside, and proceeded to hit the bong and talk with my friends about whatever came to mind. They where both equally messed up and were having trouble deciphering what this drug was trying to tell us. I must also point out that this drug made my body feel somewhat uncomfortable, like a weird stiffness in my joints, and an inability to feel comfortable sitting down, almost antsy, and an unwanted warmth (possible high temp) all over my body.

Although my body was a little out of whack, this drug can mentally bend me into many different psychedelic visuals, many of which, I thought, were beautiful. Eventually we got bored and decided to see a movie. We went and saw 'wild hogs' and to this day I point to it as the worst movie I've ever seen. The 2ce, with its psychedelic properties and it's abilities to show things from a different perspective, showed my how much of a fucking joke this movie was. Not once did I laugh, and I wanted my money back. After a very weird, very high confrontation with the ticket office attendant, I did just that. I remember seeing the characters faces morph and almost glow, and I believe this was about the end of the intense visuals.

At this point I cannot bring to memory how long I was 'high' but I know for a fact the after effects approached at least 12-16 hours after ingestion. I felt different in the morning, not necessarily bad or hungover or anything, it was like a clear, clean, energizing feeling. I know for a fact I will never do it again.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 72860
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2009Views: 7,116
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Nature / Outdoors (23), Overdose (29), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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