Nighttime Phase-Out
Citation:   The Blue Psychonaut. "Nighttime Phase-Out: An Experience with DXM (exp7316)". Mar 2, 2003.

T+ 0:00
700 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 3:00 2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I was with a friend in a CVS one day, and I decided to pick up a bottle of CVS tussin, not only because it's the thinnest kind of cough syrup, but because I was convinced to give DXM another try after I learned the reason my last trip sucked was because I used Coricidin. I decided that I would save it for a special night which gave me reason to use 700 mg of DXM. And here's how it went.

I invited Kevin to spend the night, and decided to treat him to some cannabis I would order later. When he came over we started watching some TV after he socialized with my family. We called up the dealers, and I thought this night would call for a little something more than weed: DXM. After telling Kevin my trippy plans, I went into my bathroom. I set up a clear glass with 8 ounces of Tussin, a glass of water, and a newly opened can of Coke. From experience, I know that Coke will settle my stomach, and give my mouth a better taste. I pinched my nose tightly and chugged the glass of Tussin as quickly as possible. I felt it make me sick as it went down. Continuing to hold my nose, I washed it down with water, then a little bit of Coke.

I went around my basement for the next half hour trying to walk off my stomach ache, sipping Coke as to try to take mind mind off of it. Occasionly, I would bend over, positive that I would hurl but I never did. At T+45 minutes, after 30 minutes of nausea and not regurgitating once, the effects came on.

We met the dealers outside my house. The world was red. I was getting a low head-rush high. We went back in the house and I felt really disoriented. Everything was slowed down, and shaky. We went into my media room to watch 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire', and my dad sat next to me, so I was trying to keep a hold of myself. I got the courage and stability to stand up and ask Kevin up to my room. On the way up I briefly asked my mom to get my dad out of the basement. When I got up to my room, I sat down on my bed, because it was the best thing I could do, I felt exhausted. Kevin went into my bathroom to pick the seeds out of the sac. In the meantime, I was tripping nuts! The walls were turning darker and caving in, and red mushrooms from the Mario game were spinning around my ceiling fan. It took me a minute to tell my brother what I was seeing, because DXM slows my motor skills drastically. We then decided to go back down to the basement at T+1:30.

I sat down on the couch, and was seeing horizontal squiggly lines of fire in a pattern. There were closed eye visuals that were relevent to things I've seen before, like mathematical equations on my teacher's markerboard. I would occassionly close my eyes involuntarily, due to the drowsiness. I would watch Kevin talk to my brother and not even care what they were saying. The effects were picking up even more!

At T+2:00, I couldn't even control myself. I called another friend on his cell and tried to talk, but my thoughts took me forever to express. I took my attention off the Goldeneye game Kevin was playing; it was disturbing to see such agitation. I sat on the couch, and I felt like I was going to die that night. My right side of my neck felt much larger than the left side, so I thought I busted an artery in my neck. I asked my sister if one side of my neck was larger, and she said yes! This wasn't true, of course, but sure as hell scared me.

When my parents went to bed, at T+3:00, some real heavy feelings began. I thought there was a worm in each of my temples because they were beating crazily. I was invited to go outside to smoke some weed and decided to lead the way. On the way to our destination, I felt like I was mentally retarded for life. I felt as though it had always been that way, and will always be forever. This is no joke, this is an important part of DXM behavior, assuring myself of being something I'm not. My friend at school told me he was sure he was a gopher for life. I asked my brother and Kevin if they noticed my speech impediment. They told me no, but I was convinced I had a heavy one. We went far, probably 1/4 mile (far to me), onto a golf course path. It was winter, and we settled down on the snow.

While Kev and my brother were lighting up their bowls, I was phasing out. I would totally forget about where I was, who I was, or anything having to do with my surroundings. I would fly into space, basically. This happened whenever I closed my eyes. It's like tuning in and out of reality. I took two bowl hits that didn't really do anything, I guess the large dose of DXM cancelled out the weeds effects.

I got back home at T+4:00 sat back on the couch and saw some weird closed-eye visuals like a man in a helmet using a camcorder. I felt really disoriented, like I was falling apart and was POSITIVE that I was going to die. My neck blood pressure was ticklishly high, like my temples were. I passed out after the glorious patterns of red skulls came and went.

The next morning I woke up cross-eyed, having to re-adjust my eyes to focus in on objects, and was on a day's hangover, having a hard time talking to Kevin's mom, until smoking some trippy cannabis the next night. My DXM trip was absolutely unforgetable.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 7316
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2003Views: 16,563
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DXM (22) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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