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First Time, Best Time
Citation:   Logan. "First Time, Best Time: An Experience with Cannabis (exp73208)". Jul 9, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis
I was 14 years old and I had been wanting to try weed for about 3 months prior. It was graduation day of 8th grade, and me and my friends, we'll call them P and C, were hanging out, enjoying the first day of summer. C then asked us if we wanted to smoke some weed. I was hesitant but I did it anyways, wondering if anything would happen this time. About a week before this, I took a few puffs off a oney, and felt like I had a cigarette buzz for about an hour and a half. ( I had been smoking cigarettes moderately for about 6 months.)

So we all went down to this big sewer off in the woods next to this lake, really peaceful setting. We went into the sewer and smoked about two bowls. I wasn't feeling much, but my friends got high quickly. After this we walked to our friend S's house. I remember feeling giggly and just silly and stupid. We hung out there for a little while, and I began to get cotton mouth. I drank some water and when I went to put my cup in the sink, I accidentally dropped it about six inches into the sink. Being glass, it broke. I just thought it was so funny and so did my friend C. I still was not feeling high though. S was mad at me so we decided to leave.

We then all walked to our friend B's house. Once we walked in the door, I felt my high coming on. Her house was very colorful and had alot of nature shit like pictures of ducks and blankets with wolves on them. We were all a little hungry so we decided to make some ramen. I remember watching tv and just laughing at every stupid commercial that came on, and at the fucking wolf blanket.

I started 'tripping' kind of hard and was a little freaked out. Things were zooming in and then twisting in circles and I felt like I was spinning.
Things were zooming in and then twisting in circles and I felt like I was spinning.
It weirded me out so bad I went up to my friend C and told her how scared I was. She handed me a bowl of ramen noodles and told me to relax and go sit down. I did what she said and just remembered eating ramen and staring at the tv. I noticed I was dripping ramen all over my new white graduation shirt. I just laughed.

We left B's and S went home. Me and C and P went down to some abandoned houses and just walked around in them, looking at discarded things the people left. My high was really nice now and I just felt really happy and this was the best high I've ever had.

I smoked weed about 4 times a week, for about 10 months after this. There were more good trips but none with zooming in and spinning.

It's been over a year since this day and I decided to stop recently because I just felt sleepy every time and the trips were not good at all. I hope when I start smoking again the good trips will come back.

Exp Year: 2007-2008ExpID: 73208
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 565
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Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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