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Don't Worry B. Caapi
Ayahuasca (B. caapi & P. viridis)
by T
Citation:   T. "Don't Worry B. Caapi: An Experience with Ayahuasca (B. caapi & P. viridis) (exp73475)". Erowid.org. Mar 31, 2015. erowid.org/exp/73475

55 g oral Banisteriopsis caapi (tea)
  42 g oral Psychotria viridis (tea)
A little about myself I'm a 24 year old man. The only drugs I'd ever done before this were (in this order) Salvia, Marijuana, Kanna, Magic Mushrooms, and Peruvian Torch Cactus. I did Ayahuasca today out of curiosity for the unknown. I'm always looking for a spiritual journey to learn more about myself. As with all drugs.

I was expecting a lot more from the online trip reports of it. They were saying things like 'intense visuals', 'spiritual journey', etc etc. Nah none of that. One guy said it was stronger than magic mushrooms. I'm thinking now that person probably had 'regular mushrooms' and thought he was tripping hahaha. B. caapi and P. viridis brews are definitely not stronger than magic mushrooms I can attest to that.

First of all the taste is horrible, real horrible. No one is lying about that in the reports. Most people throw up, I did one small bit but nothing after that because I drank 2/3rds of a bottled water over an hour and half in small sips. Whether the extra water diluted it and made me feel the effects less that's always a possibility. I would say no just because I felt the effects for about 5 hours, but it's always possible.

Also to note before I mention my prep. technique I used 55 grams of B. caapi (powder) out of a 114 gram bag and 42 grams P. viridis leaves out of a 56 gram bag. In retrospect I would just go ahead and use all of both bags. Sources online greatly differed in amount to use, after doing it lean towards the 'use more' philosophy (more water though, for both).

To start out I used:

-55 grams B. caapi (powdered)
-42 grams P. viridis leaves (dried)
-2 stainless steel pans
-Distilled water
-Grapefruit (for acid juice)
-T-shirt for straining out debris

Whole preparation process start to finish took 3 hours 11 minutes.

My preparation techniques included first squeezing a grapefruit's juice out into two pans (about 50 mL of juice in each) then added 500mL distilled water to B. caapi and 600mL distilled water to P. viridis pan. (I added another 100mL water to viridis because I couldn't initially see the water below the leaves, after the first cook down though I was able to put 500 in the following two times.) Also be sure to push all of the B.caapi below the water if you're using powder like I had to. It takes a while but it will more effectively cook in the water instead of just above it. I cooked those brews for 45 minutes, strained through a t-shirt (any t-shirt you use will be ruined by B. caapi powder so be forewarned). I then used the same plant material and repeated with 500mL distilled water in both pans a dab of lemon juice in both pans second time. Cooked that for 45 more minutes, strained. Added second batch to first batch. Did the same thing a third time with no acid this time. Cooked 500mL distilled water each in with both plants separate for 45 minutes. After the third cook down I tossed the plant material from both. (For scientific purposes the B. caapi looked very dark brown at this point and the P. viridis was nearly solid black.) Finally I added all three brews together and cooked both of them down separately for about 20 minutes or so. Eventually ending up with the B. Caapi brew in one cup (two fast gulps down). And the P. viridis brew in another cup (three fast gulps down). Both taste horrible. Though not as bad tasting as hallucinogenic cactus (a very close second)

12:20PM - I drink the B. caapi brew. Followed by dixiecup portion of water.

12:37PM - I drink the P. viridis brew. Followed by 2 dixiecup portions of water.

12:47PM - I throw up. I only threw up a small bit the size of a fingernail or so. However all the muscles from my stomach up to my throat were being yanked like someone had a rope down my throat attached to them. I have never felt a throwup reflex that strong in my life. Had this come back I imagine it would have been unstoppable to throw up both the entire brews, luckily it never did.

12:48PM - My grandparents walk in the front door... Ummm why did they come over??? No clue. They always have great timing. I just hid upstairs and pretended to be asleep.

1PM - I ate a rice krispy square, anything to get that horrible taste out of my mouth. Water definitely was not getting it out. Slowly started to feel effects.

1:30PM ish- I started to really feel the effects.

2:30PM - Two hour mark, I thought it had only been an hour, so some time distortion. This was the peak of the effects probably. Mostly its a body high, I felt real good, pretty satisfied with everything. Just kinda at peace. My legs were heavy almost like Percocet I'd taken once when prescribed. There was a sort of shiny glow on things visual wise. But not the kaliedoscope effect that come with magic mushrooms.

3PM - I went to sleep. I dunno if it made me tired or if I was just tired to begin with. I hadn't intended to sleep while doing ayahuasca but it happened. Intermittently I woke up over and over till 5PM still feeling the effects. So that's one thing people didn't lie about on other trip reports it does last for about 5 to 6 hours.

5:30PM - I wake up for good and have a headache almost like I'd imagine a hangover would feel like. (I've never done alcohol so I don't know what a hangover feels like). The drugs effects have definitely decreased almost to the point of being unnoticeable.

Overall the trip was a lot of similarities to Percocet, a very low dose kind, nowhere near as strong as actual Percocet. Just kind of a fuzzy on the inside blade of grass waving in the wind feeling. It didn't really impair me that much I was able to get 4th place on a multiplayer game out of 12 people, at the height of the trip. Typing was hard to do while tripping for some reason though. It was almost like I had forgotten how to type. That's probably the strongest impairment I noticed.

After a while I was like 'this is gay, where's the visuals?' So I laid down in the dark with my eyes closed a while. Eventually I did see some close eyed visuals but nothing real special. The only ones I could definitively say were 'real visuals' caused by Ayahuasca was one of an elephant with a huge head walking by me as I lay one the African savannah. The other was a duck on a pond swimming toward me then swimming off. Then a few tiny things here and there. Each lasted about 5 to 10 seconds and again nowhere even in the same ballpark as magic mushrooms. I am offended even at whoever said that in their trip report. (Again ingesting sips of water over an hour and half could have lessened the effects.)

Not at all what I thought it would be. I'd suggest though if you do make your own to add Syrian Rue as an ingredient, since doing it I've read that it can add some things to make it a better overall trip, if it's in your budget at least.

Ayahuasca was interesting in its own way and was well worth trying, but by no means will it become a recreational drug of choice anytime soon. With a 3 hours preparation time and an incredible ability to induce vomiting. In the end like all hallucinogens it's something to be respected before being used.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73475
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 31, 2015Views: 4,302
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Ayahuasca (8), Banisteriopsis caapi (169), Psychotria viridis (170) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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