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Shaky Start
Citation:   Gaugela. "Shaky Start: An Experience with Cannabis (exp74028)". Nov 10, 2020.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis
At the time I was a 17year old student, I'm from New Zealand. I had been reading a bit about pot and decided I wanted to try it, I didn't really know anyone that could get me some but finally I hooked up with a guy that could do me a 50bag (3.5grams) which costs $50 in New Zealand.

I had tried pot before in very small doses, with no effect really. So this time I wanted to get high, I made sure of this by rolling a fairly large joint out of weed that was actually very very good quality (I did not know this at the time). At the time my very good friend was living at my house, we have a second lounge where he was playing computer games and I was talking to people on msn and listening to music. My parents went to bed so I decided that I would go outside and smoke, I didn't offer my friend because I knew he didn't smoke.

Foolishly I smoked the joint very quickly and with very big hits, probably around 10 large hits. I quickly went inside and sat down at the computer waiting for the effects to come on, which they did very quickly and unexpectedly. I looked at my computer and the song names on my itunes were starting to distort, I then felt my heart racing very quickly and a numbing down my left shoulder, this frightened me alot as my family has a history of heart conditions.

I got up and told my friend that things were not right and that he should wake my dad up, my friend stayed calm and just told me that I was tripping out. At this point I thought I was going to die. My friend bought me some water which I sipped, then I began to feel very tired but my friend kept me awake. I slowly started to come down and then I just went to bed. I woke up the next morning feeling extremely stoned and lethargic.

I'm not one to give up, so I tried it again in a smaller dose the next night, same thing happened although not as bad and I managed it okay. A few times after that I was finally able to smoke without it happening.

Now I smoke pot most days, I love it, the feeling it gives me and how creative I get. I don't get any of those problems anymore. I'm sure it was elevated by the fact that it was on my mind the entire time I was smoking.

Since then I've read a bit and it seems that this has happened to a few other people, It's all about set, setting and finding your dose.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 74028
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Nov 10, 2020Views: 526
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