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I Was Leanin
Citation:   Kevin B. "I Was Leanin: An Experience with Promethazine-Codeine (exp74311)". Jan 26, 2017.

  oral Pharms - Promethazine (liquid)
    oral Codeine (liquid)
Promethazine AKA Sizzurp

I have done Promethazine many times and I love it. I never did 2.5 oz but I had done 1, 1.5, and 2. I mixed it with Sprite soda and began to sip. After I was done with the soda I looked to make sure none was stuck to the bottom of the bottle.

After about 5 minutes of waiting it hit me and I was 'leanin.' I felt great. It was like weed but everything was sssllooowww and I could think regularly. I felt amazing. I knew from previous experiences not to lay down cause you will fall asleep so I stayed standing. I finally sat down and turned on a favorite song of mine by Beanie Sigel called Purple Rain. It made me in the most chill mood I have ever been in. I was just sitting there with all of my boys having a ball. I didnt want to get up so I didnt. While they were all walking around I was just sitting having the time of my life.

After Purple Rain Lil Wayne-Me and My Drank came on and I was in heaven. After about 2 hours of euphoria and pure ecstasy it started to wear off and I couldnt keep my eyes open any longer. I fell into one of the best sleeps in my life. I love this drink. Just NOT MIXED WITH ALCOHOL!!! You could die!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74311
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 26, 2017Views: 4,046
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Codeine (14), Pharms - Promethazine (336) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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