Using Alpha Nipple
Citation:   Fagcake. "Using Alpha Nipple: An Experience with Cannabis (exp76049)". Aug 29, 2018.

  repeated inhaled Cannabis (plant material)
I had been smoking weed off and on for around two years. Within the last few months, me and my friend Leztart noticed that we had to get a piece of glassware.

It came to the point, after smoking a blunt of piff, before seeing Santa, that I asked him for a bong for Christmas. He said sure, but I didn’t expect anything.

The night was different from others when we had relaxed. It was the day before Christmas Eve. I had finished all my shopping, had $40 in weed on me (two nice, thick bags worth. It was airy, my everyday, good high stuff), and had a lot of cash left.

I can’t remember which one of us suggested it, but we decided to go into a head shop and see how much a piece of good glassware was. Let me give out one true detail about me… I live in NYC, which makes shopping for stuff like that pretty simple.

The first shop we went into had some beautiful pieces in the window, so we decided that they probably had something for a reasonable price.

Outside the store, a random guy was having a smoke (cigarette, I think), and, after exchanging a few words, we realized that he worked inside. When we went in, there was quite a beautiful selection of glassware; from tall, elegant hookahs, to small adorable pipes (the one’s that look like spoons).

We’re smart girls, so we didn’t even bother to look at the big pieces, so instead focused on some small ones. There were quite a few to choose from, laced with different colors, and swirls. I had been on the computer before, searching prices, styles, and relative uses, so I wasn’t going in dumb.

The first one I really liked turned out to be a little expensive, $40. It seemed a little too much, especially for a first piece. So, we looked, and saw another one.

It was small, it fit in the palm of my hand. The bowl had four swirls coming from it, red and blue, giving it the appearance of candy. I fell in love with it there. On the plus, it was only $30, so I didn’t have to shell out too much cash.

Another thing we figured in was that we would save that much in money because we wouldn’t have to buy a lot of blunt wraps. If we had $10, we could buy a dime, not a nick and then have to hold on to some for the tobacco.

As I paid for it, I asked the guy how to clean it, just to make sure we didn’t fuck around and damage it. He said rubbing it down with alcohol was good for the first time.

Excited to use our new toy, I got home quite soon. Cleaning my bedroom a bit, we sat, pulling it out of the bag.

After rubbing it down and rinsing it, I dried it, and got out the herb. I had never used one before, but Leztart had.

“It’s okay dude,” she said, “you just light it, cover up the hole right here, let it go, and inhale.” The instructions seemed simple enough, and I thought I could do it.

Because it was my piece, I greened the first bowl (even thinking of it that way made me feel more sophisticated). I didn’t do a good job at all, I won’t lie, and I barely had smoke come out, if at all.

Instead of getting frustrated, I watched her do it. She took the hit with ease, and it seemed, almost with grace (mind you, I wasn’t high or anything).

She coughed a little, and took another pull. Thinking I had a better idea, when I got it, I took my time.

The sound of the marijuana crackling in the pipe, and burning a bright orange was like a symphony to my ears. The nicotine-free smoke burned my throat and made me cough. The more I coughed, the more it seemed like I wanted to.

With that first hit, I could already feel the very mild effects of it; my heart thumping louder and a soft covering of warmth, with cold hands.

“Damn.” I shuck my head in approval as Leztart took another pull. There was no real rush, we had plenty of bud.

When I got it back, I began looking online for a name for my bowl. The first thing I thought of was the Greek, original mother goddess. Doing a bit of research, I saw it, Gaea. It was almost perfect for her. But then, it didn’t seem to fit well.
“What about nipple?” Leztart suggested.
“Nipple?” I thought she was just being an uber lesbian. “Why nipple.”
“Because of the little thing on the side.” The rest for your index finger.
“Well, I don’t want to call her nipple…”
“But it looks like one. It’s Nipple.”
“Fine… but I’m not calling it just nipple. Because it’s the first one… Alpha Nipple. So if we get another one, it’ll be Beta Nipple.”

Laughing, we proceeded to smoke three more bowls.

I wasted around two bowls worth, thinking it was dead. When it really is all ashes, it will not smoke anymore. And it will pop out if I try to smoke it too hard.

It happened to Leztart, and she almost singed her eyelashes (they’re quite long) and she sizzled a bit of her bangs.

Since then (It’s New Years Day), I’ve used Alpha Nipple, maybe three times. I don’t smoke everyday, just almost once a week, depending on what’s going on. Every time has been successful. It was one of the best weed investments I’ve ever made. Of course, I still want a bong, but for right now, she’s good.

Now, my weed list only has a grinder, but weed that’s too finely ground isn’t as good in a bowl.

Well, to end this tale on a high note, I’ll say that while smoking, it is highly entertaining to watch it turn different colors. With regular, good weed, the bowl part turned dark amber, almost gold. With piff, the level of hash on it made it dark gray with gold only on the neck. It’s very beautiful to look at.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76049
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 29, 2018Views: 670
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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