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One Unforgetable Day
Citation:   Smooch. "One Unforgetable Day: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp7644)". Jun 23, 2003.

  oral Mushrooms (tea)
I'd once before tried mushrooms when I was younger, and to be honest my experience was rather tamed. In hindsight, my approach to the substance was all wrong. I'd never before used any kind of drugs except for cannabis, and therefore my expectations were formed around stereotypes. Contrary to my belief, friends of mine used to speak of their amazing experiences using mushrooms. I arrogantly rejected these wild tales, until my use of other drugs had 'prepared' my attitude sufficiently. It was with this mentality that I took a whole new approach to mushrooms, which ultimately resulted in ONE UNFORGETABLE DAY.

Two good friends and I carefully planned the route we would walk the following day across the moors in search of mushrooms. The chosen route would take us through several notorious hot spots for finding mushrooms, and some other moorland areas. The walk itself I have to say was awful. Torential rain and low mist made the fifeteen mile treck full-on bollox. I have to say though, it felt very rewarding when ever we discovered terratory with vast amounts of the li'l devils. Finding a patch would inspire us to keep looking for more, and thus keep walking.

Back at my friends house, we proceeded to prepare the mushrooms by making a large mushroom-tea brew. At this stage I was very tired after such a long day walking, but in my mind I was excited and very eager to try the brew. After consuming our mugs of tea, one friend of mine who had tried them before (and had a very emotional experience) looked somewhat agitated (biting nails on his fingers etc.). When asked what was wrong, he replied, 'Now we are all beyond the point of return.' This did not worry me, but it was not until later that I understood what he had meant.

We drove to another friend's house, and on arrival we began to feel the mushrooms taking affect. I noticed how physically I was no longer tired, and at first the overwhelming rushes felt similar to those of a good pill. I was delirious as it seemed all the hard work had paid off, but I hadn't even fully come up yet. The colour of the grass and the sky captivated me and made me so happy to be alive and living. My vision became somewhat distorted, and my mind was filled with wierd humour (most noticable was my vision of kicking someone on all fours up the ass and into the distance). For me, time stood still and I simply could not comprehend the shear strength and power of the mushrooms.

As I walked home that evening I had time to remenise on the days events. I felt shocked that something which grew locally could have such marvellous effects. In contrast to my first experience, I now had a great degree of respect for the drug, and felt privileged to have had the opportunity to try it. I had learnt that it is a powerful drug and that if you did not respect it, then it could easily bite back. I felt relieved that I had not consumed more than I had for fear that this could have completely screwed me up.

I pledge first time users to be very wary of how many they consume, and to have the right attitude towards drugs before you attempt mushrooms. With these premeses permitting you to have ONE UNFORGETABLE DAY.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7644
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2003Views: 3,743
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