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Consumed Two Ways at Once
Citation:   kangaroo. "Consumed Two Ways at Once: An Experience with DMT (exp76662)". Apr 13, 2018.

50 mg insufflated DMT (freebase)
  100 mg smoked DMT (freebase)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
A few days before this experience, I had my first real DMT trip. Friends gathered once more, and we embarked on a few internal journeys before I decided to rail some DMT. Only one of us had done it before, though, it was a very small amount, resulting in a weak trip.

We had been smoking plenty of weed and hash in between trips. My friend and I railed it at the same time. We were using the freebase form, so it was very sticky. He was unable to get it into his system, but I did. We weren't tripping much (at first), so we packed a fat bowl into an oil burner (pookie) and hit it hard.

Once again, my friend messed up, and I was the only one with any considerable amount of DMT in my system. At this point, the DMT started to hit me hard from both sources.

I noticed my arms and legs. I had no idea what they were, but I had 8 arms! I looked at my friends. I had no idea who they were or what they were. I wasn't hallucinating. My vision was just extremely blurry. Then my vision went completely white. Sometimes faces would come through the whiteness, and they always looked bothered by something.

By now, I can't feel anything. I'm undergoing complete sensory depravation (my friends say I laid-down and tensed my face and arms up against my body. I was shaking out of fear (not seizures). My breathing was hard. I believe my body was having a physical panic attack, perhaps freaking-out about the fact that it can't feel anything in any way at the moment.

I suddenly sat up startled. My vision was too blurry to make anything out, but I could remember once again that I was tripping on something at a friend's place. I touched a pillow with my hand. It was comforting in The Fear. I laid back down and watched the ceiling shift and move like the ocean. I looked at my friend and asked if everything was ok. He said as calmy as he could, 'ya man.' Though, everyone was kinda freaked out by my tense reaction earlier in the trip.

I woke up smiling, happy, euphoric. I wasn't scared by the incident. I took the trip with the same mentality as any other successful trip, but I believe my body freaked out because it was trying to feel when it couldn't.

Intense. :-)

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76662
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2018Views: 825
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DMT (18) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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