Mysterious Magic Drug
Citation:   Dream_Child(79). "Mysterious Magic Drug: An Experience with 2C-E (exp77979)". Mar 21, 2020.

T+ 0:00
35 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
  T+ 1:00 35 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I am a 29 yr old male. I have experience with all sorts of legal and illegal drugs starting from when i was very young. This report is about my first trip on 2C-E, a truely radical mind expanding drug. I acquired 70 milligrams in two capsules and was told that there was 35 milligrams in each.

So later that night I decided to take one to see what it would do...

+1hr. Felt nothing, Decided to insuffalate the other 35 milligrams.

I immediately started to hallucinate, Emptied my stomach, by way of Vomiting. Completely emerged in CEV’s with blending of both OEV and CEV’s. Euphoria was present. Discomfort as well. I had never tripped this hard in my life up to this point.

+2hr. I witnessed the Crucifixion in my Kitchen Sink, the whole thing in raw detail. Jesus was looking out for me and this put my mind at ease. CEV’s included neon green helicopters. A huge circus with all the performers and animals swinging in unison. Very Detailed Fractuals evident. Complex Geometric “machines” undulating infinitely.

+3hr. Having never had an experience like this I was utterly wrecked. My emotions and visions would swing as if on a pendulum. Rooms would spin and take alien color patterns. Difficult to really deal with, hard to explain. This is the only +4 experience of my life. 2C-E is not for the faint of mind or heart! Almost no activity on my part, I was mostly unable to move.

+4hr. The whole of my mind was completely emerged. I was on Saturn looking at all the Alien Life that had appeared in my strange drug trip. This is at about the point my emotions could not handle this experience and had some worry as to if my Sanity was ruined or damaged.

+5-+10hrs. My roommate arrived just in time to guide this Idiot thru this Circus Madness and Visual Overload. I went into every emotion and vision I was having with him. He seemed to be judgemental, but I needed him there more than anything. Glad that I had a guide. I might not have made such a smooth transition without him. Hallucinations coming out of everything I experienced. Very Strong trip.There were many times during this trip that I saw things I knew were not real. I just set back and tried to relax. Rooms would spin on there own axis. Walls melting, carpets breathing, advanced colonies of intelligence evolving behind my eyelids. Sleep never came that night. Long extravagent scenes of inequity were played out in my head. Shadows became small operatic perfomances. Sounds that would linger for hours. All my Senses were rearranged by this chemical.

+18hrs. I went to Work as usual. Well it sure wasn’t usual I was still hallucinating.
+18hrs. I went to Work as usual. Well it sure wasn’t usual I was still hallucinating.
The Walls were changing colors and I was having a hard time understanding my coworkers. Physically everything was fine but my vision was still commanded by this mysterious substance

+26hrs. Pretty much all over with. Still some CEV’s and body load issues. I didn’t really feel right for about a week after taking this.

Although my method of ingestion was risque , I believe this experience to be one of the strongest of my Life. I was Scared shitless a couple of times and felt the infinite love of the universe. I continue to use only 15-20 mg. at a time now and it is much more manageable, but still very cool and insightful trips. It breaks down emotional barriers and connects people who share it together.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 77979
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2020Views: 806
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