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Citation:   Zack U.. "Awesome: An Experience with Cannabis (exp78492)". Jul 9, 2019.

7 hits smoked Cannabis
This will be brief, because I don't have patience to write this kind of stuff. This is an account of my first experience with recreational cannabis, in my freshman year of high school.

I came home one day and my friend called me to ask if I wanted to smoke pot, at he always did. I told him no, as I always did. I was pretty naive about the subject, I always believed the stupid lies like 'pot is worse than cigarettes' and 'pot is a gateway drug'.

So I went to class next day, and in life skills we had a focus group about legalizing marijuana, and I really gained a lot of knowledge about the subject. I came home and did more research and I came to a decision. I called my friend up and told him I was interested in smoking with him.

I arrived at his house and he showed my the pot. I remember the smell, the smell I grew to love over the next few months, years. It was blueberry kush, although I didn't know any of the names at the time. We went to his room and broke out his little glass pipe. He packed a bowl really really tight (although I didn't know it at the time) and he took two hits. He then gave me the pipe (with the bowl still packed and lit) and I took a small hit. I didn't have a problem with couching or holding my smoke.

I proceeded to do this again four more times. He advised me to stop, as my tolerance probably wasn't very high and I'm fairly skinny, but I didn't feel anything and I was anxious that it wouldn't be enough. I ended up taking two more hits. We took our skateboards and left the house.

This is where it started getting weird. I was skating and we stopped on a corner to take a breather. My friend was talking and his speech started to fade in and out. I wasn't concerned. This new state wasn't labeled as 'high' in my head, but more of a relaxed feeling without a name.
This new state wasn't labeled as 'high' in my head, but more of a relaxed feeling without a name.
I sensed that he wanted to skate more so I got up. The relaxed feeling started to go away. I was in the middle of the street, next to some carpenters working on an archway to a house. For some reason I thought they knew my parents so I skated faster. I saw a car coming up behind me on the road and it was a Toyota Prius, the same type of car that my father had driven. I was scared, and for some reason I thought it was my father. I yelled 'DAD!'.

We skated away fast. I ended up at jack in the box, and the relaxed feeling came back. We ate a fuckton of jalapeno poppers, which I remember as being amazing. We left and headed for the mall. I don't remember what we did there but at about 8 o' clock we headed back home. I was starting to come down.

I ended the 'trip' in his room, watching youtube videos. Overall it was an amazing trip, and I haven't had one of that magnitude since.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 78492
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 543
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Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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