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Citation:   Anonymous. "HPPD: An Experience with MDMA (exp7865)". Jul 12, 2001.

I love E. I started taking it in early December 2000. I loved it so much I started taking it everday. I started off at only one pill. One night I had 7 KO's and my friend Tom and I decided to roll. He took his usual one-half, and I took 3. I had only ever taken one before, but I wanted to have an out-of-body experience. I started coming up, and it was the most amazing thing in the world. I felt like I was floating; everything was so beautiful that it hurt to keep my eyes open. I went to the bathroom at one point and stared into the mirror for probably about 10 minutes watching my reflection morph. (not really morph, but like.. sorta like hallucinations you would have on mescaline; my face changing from mine to my bro's to my dad's and then back to mine again).

Anyways, it was the greatest roll I've ever had. But since then I see trails all the time, I see after-images of things if I look at them for more than a few seconds, and sometimes if I sit still for a few minutes and just stare off into space I'll feel like I'm in a dream; everything seems unreal/vague, and I'm not able to stop this feeling by myself; it has to fade, which usually takes anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours... And when I walk into that house all of those after-effects are heightened... trails are 10 times longer, after-images are much more apparent, and i feel like i'm in a dream all the time there...

That was about 5 months ago.. and since then these symptoms have not faded at all. I was kinda just putting them off for a while, hoping they'd go away, and then I read someone else's report on here about HPPD and decided maybe it'd be a good idea to write one myself and warn others as well.
I haven't done E since that day and I don't think I plan on it. Ecstasy is a great drug, and I miss it alot... more than I should. But I don't think it was really worth not being able to live normally.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7865
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 12, 2001Views: 17,626
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27)

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