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Woods and Bed
by VGC
Citation:   VGC. "Woods and Bed: An Experience with 2C-E (exp78692)". May 4, 2018.

15 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
23:00 Took 15mg of 2C-E via capsule

23:50 beginnings of visual distortion, patterns on carpet begin moving

00:05 stronger motions, intense contrast, depth perception exaggerated

00:18 Music very pervasive, Beatles amazing as always, Flowing CEVs in sync with music, like the waving of glowsticks

00:22 CEVs get stronger, lying down with pillow covering head produces colorful kaleidescope effects

00:32 Begin to notice strong trailing, which continues for much of the trip

00:42 Began to walk outside alone, watch felt very significant and heavy on my wrist

00:50 Walking on the outside loop, staring at amazing movements and churning in the clods and the moon. I want to sit by the water and relax, but campus safety is parked there waiting for speeders. Overall I am very relaxed and at ease. I decide that both the secret to good tripping and the human experience is in the journey, not the destination. I think about that and realize I have nowhere in particular to go anyway.

00:56 Walk into the woods, bushed look intimidating as I stare into them, layers upon layers a various colors and lights. Looking up at the sky through the trees results in plenty of branches morphing and clouds moving. I can hear for miles.
I can hear for miles.

1:11 Sitting on a log, relaxing, becoming one with nature. I can hear all the animals and the wind, I close my eyes and feel a part of everything, very peaceful. All of a sudden something flies up behind me and scares the fuck out of me. It felt like it snuck up behind and inside me, and jumped out. The woods become much less friendly, very shadowy and foreboding. I make haste to leave the woods, calm down a little bit

1:16 Walk to nearby picnic tables, colors of the ground and brick and tree extremely bright, vibrant, looks like daytime. Dirt tends to look like water on the ground, and I step to avoid it, knowing it may or may not be wet

2:25 Lots of sitting in bed discussing trips and visuals, lots of laughing, severe trailing

3:30 Intense CEVs coupled with strong imagination. Closing eyes provides situations that are extremely real, enough to almost convince myself that I have blood that day, regardless of the fact that I did not. Extremely real and convincing. There is set and setting, people and voices and sound and color

~5:30 Manage to fall asleep, trip was not completely over, but everything was dulling and dying out, nearing the end, slept very well and woke up early.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78692
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 4, 2018Views: 661
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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