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An Unplanned Trip and Pleasant Surprise
Citation:   Rusty Venture. "An Unplanned Trip and Pleasant Surprise: An Experience with 2C-E (exp78723)". Erowid.org. Aug 29, 2018. erowid.org/exp/78723

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  13 mg insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
This was my second time doing 2C-E. My first time doing it, I insuffulated 5mg and took 10mg orally. This time I insuffulated 13mg at once. I must say I hate the pain that I get from snorting this drug but I love the way it sends me tripping in minutes.

It was a chill Friday night and I had been drinking a few beers with my room mates.

My friend showed up at my dorm room door and told me that his friend was bringing 2C-E later that night so I was excited. I had no plan of doing it that night but I wanted to buy some. My friend’s friend came with 2C-E, Mephedrone, and JWH-018. I didn’t try any of these other drugs until later times. My friend and his friend both shot about 200mg of Mephedrone each and were pretty fucked up. I wanted to get fucked up too soo….

I took the rail and almost instantly I started tripping. It got more and more intense and I had to lie down to prevent nausea (I had an empty stomach). It was really intense and the colors were amazing. We were in my friend’s dorm room; there was a bunk bed, desks, tv, etc. The room was an absolute mess with clothes and trash all over the place. This made my trip a little less enjoyable as I don’t like chilling in messy rooms. I didn’t really care that much though as I couldn’t really move the first 20 to 30 minuets. The visuals were amazing; this was the hardest I had ever tripped before. There were many leaf like shapes spinning all over the walls, I saw shapes and colors in everything. The veins on my hands kept moving all over the place. I was absolutely dazed and confused during the experience; I had never been like this before. My friend loves to listen to really trippy music and I didn’t even realize he was playing it until later that night, I thought it was all in my head.

The most interesting part of my experience was when I realized that I needed to urinate. I got up and went into the restroom and as I was urinating the toilet became smaller and smaller. It was like as my bladder went down in size, so did the toilet until it was about four inches off of the ground. I was absolutely astounded and I looked away for a brief second and when I looked back the toilet was back to its original size. I went back into the room where my friends were and told them about what just happened to me.

After a while we went outside and realized it was raining. Everything looked like it was part of a painting. We went back inside soon after because the rain wasn’t that enjoyable. When back inside, my friend and his friend both shot an unknown amount of 2C-E. I had a cup of water and gave it to my friend who when looking inside the cup couldn’t see the bottom. He said all he could see were shapes and colors. He wasn’t very responsive at this point and was fully immersed in his experience. We all ended up passing objects around to each other and looked at them. This lasted for around 20-30 minuets and then we got bored of it.

At around six hours after doing the 2C-E my visual effects had subsided and I decided to return to my room and chill. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to smoke a couple bowls of cannabis and in about 30 minuets I fell asleep.

The day after, there wasn’t much of a hang over other than feeling kind of dumb, slow, and tired. Overall I really enjoyed this experience and will probably end up repeating it sometime in the future.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78723
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 29, 2018Views: 686
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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