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Not Satisfied With Crystal Anymore
Bupropion & Methamphetamine
Citation:   Amanda. "Not Satisfied With Crystal Anymore: An Experience with Bupropion & Methamphetamine (exp78889)". Jan 16, 2020.

  oral Pharms - Risperidone (daily)
    oral Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
  150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
    insufflated Methamphetamine  
I been a Tweeker since I was 13 years old. I been taking zoloft since I was 9 or 10 for depression (bad childhood). I didnt use much back when I was 13. Maybe every 5 months. At age 14 1/2 I stopped using since I met a guy that suggested I quit. I obeyed. At 15 he left me after finding out my real age. I went back to doing crystal. Once every month. Then it progressed to a few times a week. Now I'm doing it a few times a week.

When I turned age 15 they started me on risperdal for my anger. I havent told my cousiler I do crystal. I kept doing cryz. And now I have severe mood swings and my depression got way worse. I mean it got so bad I tried killing myself. I tryed 5 or 6 times and ended up in the hospital 4 times. So my cousiler prescribed budeprion Xl 150 mg. It helped me so much I wasnt bored 24/7 anymore. I stopped trying to kill myself. I was no longer depressed.

It was a miracle drug. I love it. The thing is when I do crys now, I do not get high off meth anymore. Its sad. I crave that high I used to get. I do not feel ANYTHING when I sniff them rails no matter how much I do. I've done a whole teener to myself in one day. I still didnt feel anything. I do not crave meth anymore like I used to. But yet, I still do it occasionally. I think the depression is coming back and my horrible irratibility. Mood swings. They are coming back. I think its time to give up meth.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78889
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Jan 16, 2020Views: 1,518
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Pharms - Bupropion (87), Methamphetamine (37) : Depression (15), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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