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Flashbacks Started Within a Few Weeks
Citation:   annon. "Flashbacks Started Within a Few Weeks: An Experience with LSD (exp79623)". May 20, 2020.

  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
> Have you tried LSD: Yes, Twice..

> Have you had a bad trip on LSD: No.

> Have you experienced flashbacks: Yes.

> Did you feel that the bad trip and flashback were connected: N/A.

My flashbacks started within a few weeks of dropping. I was unaware what was actually occurring, but after a month of these happening I finally realized what they were.

My first flashback was after smoking weed a few weeks after.
My first flashback was after smoking weed a few weeks after.
The only way to explain it was that I felt in a 'matrix' type world where I felt like the world was completely in my head and made up. This feeling has reoccurred in many other flashbacks I have had. On other occasions I have had similar feelings about cars as others have had as well. They felt so arbitrary. I was driving home one night and I couldn't get over how illogical these 'machines' were... I have had other flashbacks at work where I start to think very deep about life.

Now all of these flashbacks are not a comfortable feeling. They are somewhat scary. I usually can think about all of these things logically when I am normal, but when these 2-3 minute flashbacks occur everything gets tipped upside down. I start to get scared and these thoughts seem foreign and that is what frightens me. I know that they are synthetically produced and that I am a very stable and rational person, which might be the reason I have trouble dealing with these flashbacks. I have never had a bad trip so I cannot compare the feelings, but if I had had a bad trip I would assume that this horrible feeling would accompany the trip.

It has taken me a solid month and a half to realize what these events were, but now I am sure they were and are flashbacks. I have found that talking to a close friend where all of one's thoughts will be held secret helps alleviate much of the stress that these cause and since talking about I have yet to have another flashback. These flashbacks I feel are no small thing. I have gone from wanting to try more drugs to not wanting to even smoke weed. I feel like they have impacted my life
I feel like they have impacted my life
and sometimes I regret dropping acid. It is a VERY large decision to make and DOES have consequences. But I know I must live with my decisions and work to fix them. I hope this helps anyone in the same situation I was.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79623
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2020Views: 727
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LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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