Looks Like Snow!
Citation:   Porkstock. "Looks Like Snow!: An Experience with 2C-E (exp80186)". Erowid.org. Feb 1, 2010. erowid.org/exp/80186

12 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
I知 a 23 year old male with a decent psychedelic background, but probably less than most people who write these reports ;)

I've had acid about 10 or so times, shrooms a few less, salvia twice, and I frequently smoke marijuana. I rarely take Legal drugs other than alcohol and caffeine (in tea) and I don't think I had even had tea that day, so the only thing I was 'on' was 2ce.
this was my first trip with 2ce or any RC.

My focus was getting a feel for this new chemical. hopefully I would have a fun time while also gain some insight or introspection. I知 not the type to take psychedelics purely for fun at a party or a rave, but I知 also not the type to look at tripping as completely mystical and spiritual, but I AM more of the latter. I like to experience empathy and although I was tripping alone, I wanted to connect with the 'oneness' that surrounds the talk of psychedelics.

So back in july I decided to go for it and ordered 250 mg of 2c-e. 3 months later (due to some complications) I received my product. I was greatly excited that it had finally arrived and I immediately went to my lab at school and measured out 12 mgs into a little dime bag (you know the ones). when I got home I dumped it into a tea cup, dissolved it in a little bit of warm water, and down the hatch in one gulp (around 5:00). had a slight taste, hard to describe (much of the experience is), but not bad. I had been cleaning my apartment when the mail came, so I continued to do so while I waited for the effects. I became quite sweaty from cleaning, so I decided to take a shower at about the 45 minute mark. I started to feel the effects in the shower...

It was a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach and limbs (kinda like I remember from acid [2ce is not acid though, each drug is it's own]) but at the same time the feeling of 'my body doesn't like this.' I got out, dried off, got dressed, and laid on my bed. I pretty much stayed here for the next several hours. I had my music on and I just listened and enjoyed. time was greatly distorted. it felt like every song was over too soon, but also that it had lasted forever. each song produced a unique CEV. with my eyes closed I was seeing spirals, colors, etc., it was like I was 'feeling' them. OEVs were present too, but not as intense. the walls pulsated, my skin crawled a little, the sky outside my window looked more beautiful than normal.

the whole time laying on my bed, I was thinking that I should be doing something more eventful - like go outside, play a videogame...something. but I was so content just laying there. I didn't experience any nausea really, or any unpleasant body load. the body buzz is a body load I guess, but it wasn't bad - it wasn't great either - I guess that's the neutrality of 2c-e. I was feeling guilty about not eating much of anything that day, so I grabbed an apple from the kitchen and brought it back to my bed. I gnawed on it for about 30 minutes.

After my apple, I called my girlfriend. she didn't pick up, but she called back shortly. 'what's up?' she said. 'oh, I知 just layin on my bed ... trippin.' so that set off a different type of conversation. she knew that I had it, not really happy about it, but she knew not to scold me or anything and ruin my trip. we had a very good conversation and after that I continued to lay on the bed, now in silence. I could barely bring myself to turn the music back on. I was just laying there, thinking of everything, but couldn't describe it, couldn't make sense of it. the biggest difference between LSD and 2c-e; acid makes me wanna get up and go, 2c-e glued me to the bed.

I noticed that my sense of smell was enhanced. my palms were sweating a bit (not completely out of the norm) and I was 'smelling myself.' the worst part of the trip was that I could smell dust. I had been vacuuming earlier, and I felt like I could smell the vacuum. it was very annoying.

The CEV's always related to the music were correlating with some very strange thoughts and feelings. at one point I 'felt like a cat.' doesn't really make any sense but that's what I thought at the time. I was coming to cliche conclusions. a voice in my head said 'I am the only one holding myself back!' like I control my own destiny. I had been half-wanting to go outside or do something, so I think it was referring to that, although it could have had a deeper meaning. around 9:00 maybe, I got on the computer and after awhile I decided I would venture outside.

I grabbed my mp3 player, threw on a hoody,and I was off. I went outside of my apartment complex and the village like atmosphere was pretty cool. (all the apartments are brick buildings that look the same.) it was cold enough to see my breath, but I wasn't too bothered by it. it felt good to inhale the cold air. it was about 10:00 at this point. I知 from the country/woods and now I live in a city, so I was a bit nervous about being out this late - especially in my altered state of mind.

I walked to a public park that's a block or two from where I live. I walked up the steps that go into it - which were pitch black. I stopped half way up and sat there looking back down at the road and the passing cars. I continued into the dark wooded area to see what I could see. The trees were mangled across the horizon, even though I could barely tell the difference between the two shades of black. I felt as if I was doing something wrong - like I shouldn't be there. maybe I shouldn't have - I think parks might close at dusk. I was worried to see another human, like if they saw me they would be wondering what I am doing? but what would they be doing? maybe we'd have something in common - or maybe they'd be out to harm me?

Anyways, I wasn't THAT worried about it, so I was still enjoying the scenery, and the music in my headphones. I sat on a bench in the dark for while. I seemed to like the dark or dim lit areas throughout this whole trip. but I did find myself in a very brightly lit area of the park. I felt like a spotlight was on me, and that it was so crazy to be SO lit up in the middle of the night. the view of the city lights was awesome, I was up on a high...I could see for quite a distance.

At some point on the walk home, I started to feel silly for taking this compound. As if it wasn't doing much for me - like in the long run? I dunno, it was definitely affecting me, but it was like I didn't need it - this was a part of my personality in a way. The views were astonishing, but they would have been without the drug too. I never would have went to the park at 10:00 at night, if I hadn't taken something though.

The smells were amazing as I walked though the park. I frequently took deep breaths through my nose to appreciate them. Might have something to do with the movie 'perfume.' well I got back home, had some toast somewhere in there, smelt 'the vacuum' again - ugh. laid around for awhile and eventually went to bed.

In summary:

It took about 50 mins to kick in, and lasted for around 7 or 8 hours, at which point I fell asleep pretty easily.

I had a small headache in the back of my head the next day, felt sort of just like a tired feeling, like it could have been lack of sleep... but I rarely get headaches. it could have been the 2ce.

Writing this down really helped me to recall the trip and make something out of it.
Thanks for reading.

The title comes from a quote of mine on a later trip the same winter. 'looks like 2ce snow..' :) Most of my trials with 2ce were in the winter, in the evening seems to be a suitable setting

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80186
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 1, 2010Views: 6,050
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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