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That's the Big Fuss?!
Citation:   altered reality. "That's the Big Fuss?!: An Experience with Cannabis (exp80486)". Jul 9, 2019.

4 hits smoked Cannabis
As far back as I remember I have been brainwashed by mainstream media to have the anti drug mindset. It wasn't until I turned 18 that I started experimenting with substances.

I hadn't smoked a single puff of tobacco, marijuana or any other herb. I hadn't drank more than a sip of beer. So when I say this was my first time, I really mean it.

I'm going to exclude the first three times I smoked, as I didn't really 'feel' it.

My first time consisted of me and a few friends deciding to try out my friends new 2 foot multi chambered bong. I would say the quality of the marijuana was low grade nug/high mids. All I remember of the beginning was it was my first time using a bong, so I needed help getting it working. I sucked as hard as possible for as long as possible to get as much smoke in the bong as possible. I then pulled the choke and sucked in a huge glob of smoke, it didn't feel like much since it was cooled. But when I exhaled I shot out more smoke than I had ever seen anyone exhale.

The next part of it was weird, it was almost as if I suddenly woke up. Almost as if 15 minutes of my day was just erased from my consciousness, but I could mildly remember what had happened during that time. I had taken two more hits from the bong in that fifteen minutes.

The sensation was unfamiliar at first, but extremely noticeable. Everything was extremely detailed, as if the world had turned HD. The world around seemed to have slowed down, and was almost having trouble keeping up with my head movements.
The world around seemed to have slowed down, and was almost having trouble keeping up with my head movements.
I felt like the world was a separate entity. I really wasn't aware of what was going on around me, and I always felt as if I was 'coming to', and forgot where I was.

I felt somewhat unbalanced and was being pulled towards one direction. People were talking but no words were being processed, and I really couldn't say much besides 'I am really high.' I could hear my heartbeat as if it was a drum playing in my ear, my actions seemed to coincide with the rhythm of my heartbeat. I also had a mild headache.

This feeling seemed to last around two hours, and rapidly weakened after that. The feeling afterwards was strange as well. The night seemed like a blur in my memory.

Since then I have been high about thirty times and I would say none but one matched the intensity of the first, but all felt like mild versions of it. But I have to say, after doing it it made me wonder what the big deal about it is. I have been drunk and it is much more manageable and controllable than alcohol.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80486
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 485
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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