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A Benign Sense Enhancer
Citation:   Anonymous. "A Benign Sense Enhancer: An Experience with 2C-B (exp80632)". Dec 10, 2009.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:50 30 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

Trip One:

0m: 30mg 2C-B was dissolved in a few ml of absolute ethanol, poured into grapefruit juice, and taken down as a shot. Awful taste but I suppose I could get used to it.

50m: Snoozed for a bit. Very powerfully relaxed. No CEVs. Now slightly off-baseline. Tried listening to some Kraftwerk. No change in perception of music, but very suitable alternation of mood. Hard to pin it down. Another 30mg 2C-B taken orally, as before.

90m: Feeling very relaxed. Lying down, I could easily fall asleep and sleep very soundly. No CEVs though. Colors look enhanced, feel a similar high to being very tired (though I have slept well all week) and rather hungry. Definitely no anorexic effect. Will go for walk and see if experience blossoms.

No major developments ocurred past this point. The enhanced visual effects remained throughout the walk, then gradually dissipated over the course of the next few hours. A fairly mundane experience.

Trip two: (a few days later)

0m: 40mg 2C-B in a few ml absolute ethanol was taken orally, with tap water. Stomach almost entirely empty (chocolate bar for breakfast 2h ago), body excercised and relaxed, mind vaguely bored but now looking forward to experience.

30m: Trip well underway way. Listening to pink floyd and feeling good. Familiar objects have taken on a new appearance as their artistic merits are more pronounced.

40m: Another 40mg 2C-B taken as before. Was that a mistake? I hope not. Its a fine line between not taking enough and regretting the wasted experience or taking too much and regretting that instead. Well, this will be my last 2C-B experience in a while so I may as well go for it. 'While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words, I was staring straight into the shining sun'.. very appropriate.

105m: Had cup of coffee. Stimulant effect welcome. Now, lots of positivity, lots of body energy (though still happy just to sit). Feel very much in the present, very alert, absent of darkness and negativity. Visual and tactile sensations more acute, but not at all overwhelmingly so (disappointingly not so, really).

240m: Went for long walk. Initially was mildly trippy.. enhanced visuals and tactile sense. That dissipated quickly, though, and left just the usual mood enhancement - less negativity, more confidence, clarity, comfort, more in the body, and generally feeling better physically and mentally. Seems this material does not do much for me, at least by shroom standards.

360m: By this point, the trip is definitely over. Residual positivity and body energy. Slight disappointment, as I was hoping for more intensity.

Overall Summary:

I was pondering how to describe effects of this stuff. After hearing the reputation of this substance and noting the dosages in pihkal, I was expecting reality to do a triple backwards summersault at these levels, and it didnt go past a gentle +2. So it was rather disappointing. However, the effects are subtle. Outwardly, colors appeared very much brighter (traffic lights are especially impressive) and subtle visual niceties such as turbulence in water can be discerned more clearly. My hearing was also enhanced, and i was able to quite clearly perceive two distinct sound sources without any blurring inbetween, as I would normally experience when sober. My body felt good at all times... slightly more energy, but not massively. Body alerts, nausea, tenseness and other effects were absolutely minimal. My dexterity and coordination were spot on and my judgement felt unaffected; I felt I would be able to carry out any normal task with ease.

The only strong effect to this substance that i was able to note was partial supression of egotistical thinking; I felt part of myself was being muffled. As such, my ability to be negative, to judge, to feel disappointed, or depressed was supressed, yet I did not get the feeling my positive emotions were negated in the same way. As a result, I felt very strong, confident, centered, and grounded while also being subtley aware that I may not be seeing the whole story. Should a situation have arisen that required negative emotions (receiving bad news, emphathising with someone else's unhappiness), I felt I would have been very ineffective in dealing with it.

In essence, whereas I was expecting a psychedelic that would make reality more volatile, I actually got something that made it more solid. If I had to market this stuff to myself, it would be as an antidepressant, as its effects made it easier, not harder, for me to operate in the real world. This was definitely not what I was looking for, especially considering many of the trip reports. My sample appears pure and was weighed accurately, so I can only come to the conclusion that I have a different reaction to this substance. Alternatively, maybe I was expecting too much: the vast majority of my psychedelic experiences have been with psilocybe mushrooms, which are towards the high end of the potency scale.

In short, a relatively short lived, beneign, fun sense-enhancer with mood enhancement.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80632
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 10, 2009Views: 8,864
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2C-B (52) : Alone (16), General (1)

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