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If I Have a Mouth, I Must Have a Body?
Nitrous Oxide & Meditation
Citation:   Señor Armalista. "If I Have a Mouth, I Must Have a Body?: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide & Meditation (exp80994)". Jan 29, 2022.

1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
After Death Experience

It was the first time since long that I tried nitrous. We were going to “study” the influence of this petite molecule on meditation practice.

I sat down in a meditation asana (Burmese) and focused on the flow of breath. The eyes were closed and the ears plugged with wax. After half a minute of preparation, I expelled as much air as possible and filled the lungs with the content of one canister, adding some air in the end, just to make sure… I tried to keep up the nitrous as long as possible, but had to release when the nitrous overwhelmed me. I let myself go in the nitrous-stream under the guidance of and ear-deafening banging metal sound in my head. Having passed the nitrous-stream, I realized that I was dead. All was black, there was nothing left. I couldn’t feel my body anymore, assuring myself I was really dead! I was in panic and strongly desired to take another body. As I searched, I became aware that my mouth was wide open. If I have a mouth, I must have a body? And yes, I suddenly realized I wasn’t dead after all…

This short and simple experience was actually quite overwhelming once I realized what had happened. Those who understand the dissociative characteristics of nitrous and also have read the Tibetan Bardo Thodol, may understand why. It is claimed that people do not know when they die, just like they do not know when they are asleep. When they realize they have died, their attachment to a material body will make them grasp for a new body, effecting their reincarnation. And so life continues… When reading about the process of reincarnation, I always put these facts within an intellectualized context. After this experience, I had also realized what may happen once I “become aware” the body had suddenly disappeared. In my state of panic, I was not even looking for my previous body; just another one...

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80994
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jan 29, 2022Views: 497
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Nitrous Oxide (40), Meditation (128) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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