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Good Dreams if You Can Swallow It
Calea zacatechichi
Citation:   Evan R. "Good Dreams if You Can Swallow It: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (exp81121)". Sep 22, 2021.

  oral Calea zacatechichi (tea)
    smoked Calea zacatechichi  
Brewed up 10 grams of Calea Zacatechichi with 3 cups of boiling water, to share between two people. Cut the water off boil after adding the Calea, and let the brew simmer for a little over 10 minutes. Flavored the tea with lemon ginger and honey, and poured it into two cups which should have contained 5 grams each for myself and a friend.

Now, the two of us went into this with the goal of experiencing the effects of the plant after drinking/smoking, and most importantly, discovering if it had lucid dream enhancing properties as has been reported.

We drank the tea quietly on my porch, sober. Let me say that there is no amount of flavoring that could make a Calea Zacatechichi tea pleasant tasting. The two of us shared a joint rolled of several grams of the stuff; the taste was harsh but not unpleasant - it was a welcome relief compared to the taste of the tea brew, which was more unpleasant than the worst cheap alcohol.

We finished the tea and the Calea joint in 10 minutes, and my friend, who is generally a reserved personality, began to talk about acquiring a particular type of motorbike and making his way to South America - he appeared much calmer and at peace with life's possibilities than he had before taking the Calea. I told him to pick up some Yage for me on his way back - we laughed. At this point I remembered our intention to use the Calea as a dream enhancer, and went inside to sleep.

I had acoustic guitar music playing, and heard quiet, intricate vocal samples blended in a low volume with the guitar - after a minute, realized the voices were instead coming from a TV in the next room. The TV voices grew on my nerves instantly and I had a vision of walking into the next room and smashing the thing. Instead I fell asleep, although it took longer than I had hoped.

I realized I was dreaming of laying in my comfortable chair waiting to fall asleep. I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep, as my dream-state mirrored exactly the reality I was experiencing directly before falling asleep. On realizing the dream was lucid, I forced myself awake with intent to document the experience.

The fact that the lucid dream was ironic, and short-lived, I attribute to my personal mind-state and overall inexperience with lucidity while dreaming.

The next morning, my friend reported to me increased vivaciousness, color, and frequency of his dreams and thanked me for sharing the tea with him.

Calea Zacatechichi appears to induce colorful and lucid dreams, if you can swallow the stuff.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81121
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Sep 22, 2021Views: 783
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Calea zacatechichi (97), Dreams (85) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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