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Taking it While Ill
Citation:   k0k0pungle. "Taking it While Ill: An Experience with 2C-B (exp81254)". Feb 18, 2011.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral 2C-B
  T+ 3:30 .25 tablets insufflated 2C-B
BODY WEIGHT: 12.5 kg
Last week I took 2C-B while I had the flu. I had not taken any flu medication. This was my 4th time using 2C-B so I should have known better! (as 2C-B makes me very aware of how my body is feeling) I had also taken 2C-B about 3-4 days prior in a slightly higher dose, and had a fantastic experience.

After I swallowed my pill it took about an hour and a half to come up -- it usually only takes about 45 mins-1 hour. There was none of the visual patterning I got on previous trips, but only a slight bit of movement/brightening of colours. The most prominent effect was the symptoms of my flu feeling much worse, and time sloooooowing down.

Approx 3.5 hours after taking the pill I went to collect some more 2C-B and some LSD for the friends I was tripping with, and snorted about 1/4 of one of the 2C-B pills. This worked a bit better, giving slight euphoria -- and blocking my runny nose :P , but I still felt the flu symptoms very strongly.

I really think it's not worth taking 2C-B if I am feeling unwell, it just makes it a lot worse.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81254
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 18, 2011Views: 5,478
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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