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by K2
Citation:   K2. "Investigations: An Experience with 2C-E (exp81672)". Feb 2, 2010.

15 mg oral 2C-E
I am home, it is 5:00pm. and I have just downed 15mg. 2c-e dissolved in a solution of 80% water/20% ethyl alcohol (everclear). I have taken this substance three times before at 10mg. oral my first time, and about 4 or 5 mg twice intranasally, which I dont recommend as the burn is incredibly intense and lasts quite a while, and believe me, when youre already tripping on 2c-e those 5 or 10 min. feel like forever. It should be noted that the three times I have used this substance was during the last week, for which I should have developed some tolerance.

5:30 (00:30)

I begin to feel a slight effect, definitely there. I am not expecting the effects to be very strong as I am sure I have developed tolerance, but will see.

I think I will clean my apt. it's really messy and I think I will feel better if everything feels clean.

Feel 1000% better now everything is in better shape. (not a usual feeling for me)

5:54 (00:54) im begginning to feel the full effects now, its coming on fast. Light up a bit of cannabis, good on the stomach, enhances the visuals.

The 2c-e trip is muted, it has no sequence, its just now, memory is diminished, but mostly by it being irrelevant. Slightly uncomfortable feeling in the body, slight shivering, coughing, which I find interesting, this substance may perhaps produce a metabolite or is itself excreted through the lungs, or else it expels mucus trapped in your lungs. This symptom has diminished with every use.

There is an indefinite pressure on the digestive system which I cant quite put my finger on. Im tryng to decide whether eating is a good idea or not, or even desirable, I simply dont know, theres too much going on for me to feel something as subtle as hunger, even if I am, as I know I must be, quite hungry. there is a generalized feeling of uneasiness but not entirely unpleasant. This trip is what it is, and, depending on what you're looking for, this could range from either 'not really worth it, although interesting' if you're just looking to have fun, to a sense of 'there is something big here, and benign, and intelligent'.

I can see the enormous potential of this compound, the fact that it is so neutral, so unemotional(but not apathetic or unsensitive),the fact that it does not engage the emotions or the thoughts and the effects are so purely spychedelic give this compound the feeling that it is either useless if your'e expecting to be 'carried away' by the pleasurable effects of a drug, or the true 'philosophers stone' of psychedelics for those interested in finding some truth in themselves and are willing to dig for it. Think about this, a psychedelic that has the potential to yield deep insight without disturbing your judjement in the least, you gotta be kidding me!!!

It is now 2:30am. and I have just had a great night night out at the movies, a little intense at times but all good, really I was expecting more from 15mg. but, like I said, from three other indulgences this week, I guess I got out of it what I could.

I have just been experimenting the ranges of this 'high', It is really quite extraordinary, I can be having an interesting conversation on politics while having a full trip, not only that but I can do so with a special insight which is so plain, so simple and direct, this chemical is a rare gem!

As far as having concious control over my thoughts and actions, I am perhaps a tad removed from baseline, during a full on psychedelic trip. Sometimes it is difficult to decide if the intensity of a trip is ++ or +++, and I can see it really doesnt let me know where I am, as much depends on why I take it.

This is a substance that really puts itself out to any purpose whatever, it mixes well with alcohol, so it is a party goer, I say this only to give you an idea of the flexibility of this substance, but I believe the nature of it is really much more serious, there is much to be learned here, about oneself, so I wouldnt be wasting my time, my energy, and my precious 2c-e just for kiks, for going to parties and stuff like that, but for some serious self reflecting shit, this is it, look no further, I have not pushed it over the edge (which I plan to do, I'll keep you posted) but I can really see how this substance can effectively dissolve the ego, which is REALLY what I am after.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81672
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Feb 2, 2010Views: 5,554
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2C-E (137) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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