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Discovery and Recollection
Citation:   iselia. "Discovery and Recollection: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp81682)". Aug 17, 2013.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
My first mushroom trip was probably one of the best trips I’ve had on any substance. When I had this trip, I had only had marijuana before. I was in a time in my life when I wanted a big change for myself, to discover myself in an altered state of conscious.

About a week after acquiring 7 grams, I decided it was time. I chose my first trip to be the way I needed it to be, absolutely comfortable with no worries. It was a warm sunny day in August. I was home alone at my parents house, the place I had grown up my whole life. I was alone for the entire day and had to work at 6. I started at 10 am. I wanted to trip during the day for several reasons, but mostly to enjoy nature. I ate 3.5 grams, crushed, with orange juice. I only weigh 100 pounds so this hit me rather quickly.

I was sitting on the couch watching the TV, which was playing a music station with soundscapes. This I thought would be rather relaxing and conducive to a trip. At 10:20am, I began to notice the walls in my hallway gently breathe and sway. I smiled at this fact because I knew something great was about to happen. I sat there for ten minutes noticing the very gradual increase in movement of the walls and fabric. My head was feeling heavy and my stomach a little upset, but it was nothing to notice.

I jumped up from where I was sitting and looked through the many windows in the house. Outside seemed very bright, but not too drastic. I ran to my room to get some more music to listen to, and the only thing I really wanted was Michael Buble, who sounds a lot like Frank Sinatra. I ran back to the living and turned on the music. I immediately fell into a trance with the music, and seemed to be “hit” with the trip at that very moment. It was absolutely beautiful music, so uplifting and happy. I couldn’t help myself but to dance and sing along with it, all the while laughing hysterically. The songs began to give the trip a “feel” that it hadn’t had previously. The music felt like it was flowing through my body very slowly and was giving me power. I looked about the inside of my house, noticing the subtle melting form that everything had. The draping curtains were melting and morphing, which really took me by surprise and I was just so happy how everything was so beautiful and bright no matter what it was. I walked in the kitchen, noting the extraordinary movement of the normally boring hardwood floor. It seemed there were two patterns moving through each other, the darker grain flowing and the dust and dirt on the top. I got on my hands and knees and just stared at the floor for what seemed like an hour. I remember being right up next to my refrigerator and laughing hysterically at the fact I was on the floor and laughing at the floor. All the while still listening to Michael Buble in the background very loudly. The flow of the pattern on the wall, the floor, and the fabrics all seemed to flow in synch with the beat of the music and the beautiful melodies that I was perceiving.

Nothing by this time was scary to me. I knew it all was expected, and frankly I was surprised that I was having such a great time, even alone. I moved around my house for another 30 minutes, taking in everything. My friend needed to come over at noon to get something. I had told her I would be tripping when she came over, as not to frighten her. She seemed to walk in very slowly, and asked “what in the world are you listening to?” The loudness of the music hadn’t really affected me and I realized it was probably loud to her, so I turned it off. I was sprawled out on the floor, and she asked me “did you take them already?” The only thing I could do was nod and smile. Her hair seemed so long and dark, and her eyes so black and menacing. Sober people always are perceived so much differently when you are tripping. She left a few minutes later and told me to have fun.

The trip seemed to have completely changed after that point. It was if her coming over had changed the course of the trip for the rest of the day. The music was off, but I didn’t know how to turn it back on for some reason. I didn’t feel the need to laugh uncontrollably anymore, and continued to wander around the house in amazement. I looked outside and suddenly had the urge to out there and explore. I opened the door and stepped outside. It seemed much more pleasant and warmer. It was fantastic; I had wondered why I didn’t go out there sooner. I lay in the warm grass on my stomach, close to the birdfeeder. I played with the soft grass in between my fingers and marveled at the beautiful swaying motion of the grass. It was like the waves of the ocean to me, and changed from green to yellow and orange. The grass started to feel scratchy on my arms and I looked closer to have a better look. The only actual hallucination I had was seeing millions of little white grasshoppers scattered through the grass, which I thought were actually there, but just ignored it. I lay on my back and looked up at the clouds. My mind perceived the most wonderful wispy motion in the clouds, which took on rainbows of colors. Sadly there were only a few clouds in the sky and all seemed to disappear as I would look at them. I wondered if they were even there in the first place. This began the thoughts of reality and perception that I started thinking about. I looked at the fence, which was one of the more prominent memories of my trip. The fence was changing from dark to light, melting and reappearing, and I saw a squirrel on top of it. It seemed like it had been watching me this whole time, staring at me very intently, for a reason I did not know. I was confused whether he was really there or not, and started talking to myself to discover areas in my mind and come up with an answer. I kept asking myself questions out loud: Is this reality? If I am in reality now, was I not in reality before?

My auditory senses were stimulated above all else. Marijuana does this slightly, but nothing compared to psilocybin. It felt as though everything in existence had a simultaneous, harmonious rhythm. Every sound was linked to this one all existing presence. The birds that were chirping, the distant car sound, the background pulse that you hear with silence, all existed as one together, and I found this to be a very significant discovery. Time began to feel like an aqueous membrane, with fast and slow currents. Slow currents are very comforting while fast currents excite and give energy. Everything has a purpose, and adds to this slow or fast current of time. I was very happy with everything I had experienced, and had grown greatly attached to the feeling, that I didn’t want to leave it. However, it was at this time when I seemed to have left it. Realizing that what I had experienced was not reality, and that normally I would not be sitting in the grass at this very moment, I got up and went back inside. I didn’t want to go back inside, but it seemed as though I had literally fallen out of the trip and needed to connect myself with actual space and time that remained inside the house but not outside of it.

I really have no idea when I went outside and how long I was there. My time perception became so distorted that it seems like I should have gone outside at 12:30, but when I went back inside it was almost 4. I didn’t know how long I had been outside, or why the trip had happened so quickly. I felt a deep sadness and began to cry. I don’t really know why I was crying. Perhaps it was just a way to clear my mind with the cleansing power of tears.

This trip really taught me that psychedelics are heavily influenced by the reality that you live day to day. The effects of the trip are based on how you perceive yourself. This thought has stayed with me every day since I had this trip, which was over a year ago. The rest of the night was great. I felt empowered once I went to work, and got back home happier than ever.

This trip was amazing. It took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions and realizations within myself. Minds are so complex. Every part of your life, your situation and your environment, will affect the trip. You will get a real sense of self and your place in the grand scheme of things. Everyone who enjoys psychedelics should for once do it alone, under the circumstances you wish. If you wish to do it for your first time, all the best to you!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 81682
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 17, 2013Views: 4,054
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Music Discussion (22), Alone (16)

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