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The Colors, Ohhh the Colors
2C-I & JWH-018
Citation:   Inflames. "The Colors, Ohhh the Colors: An Experience with 2C-I & JWH-018 (exp81955)". May 21, 2010.

T+ 0:00
22 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:00 6 mg smoked JWH-018 (powder / crystals)
To start off I will tell you a little about myself and my past experience with hallucinogens. I have had plenty of experience with shrooms And I have taken acid somewhere in the ballpark of 25 times.

I ordered the 2c-I from a online vendor so that I could research this chemical and its effects for myself. Over the last 2 months i have had increasing urges to trip. So I did 2 weeks of research. And Since 2c-b, and DMT are Illegal, I decided to go with 2c-I.

I bought a mg scale just for the purpose of this experience. I weighted out 22mg and put it into a capsule I emptied out. The first hour and ten minutes I felt NOTHING. But to my surprise just a couple min later that all changed, and I was introduced into the wonderful world of colors. Out of no where I noticed my room seemed as though there were shadows in my peripheral vision. The best way to describe what it looked like to look at someone else's face would be to look through glass with a bend in it.

At about 1h 45m I felt what I would consider the peak. This feeling lasted for about 3-4 hours. I remember asking myself 'Am I going to freak out?' I decided to trip alone, and I remember thinking about a time I took Lsd alone, and the power the drug has over my mind when there is no physical stimuli around to remind me I'm human, I get lost. And I started feeling this way with the 2c-I. I want to add that My grandmother was in the living room of the house, so i was not alone per se, just not tripping with anyone.

At about 2h 45 min into the trip I was so comfortable with the trip that no more thoughts of bad trips crossed my mined. I was quiet not saying a word for hours. I was amazed and hypnotized by the beauty in the world. Colors are swirling everywhere. Everything is color changing, people on the tv would turn blue and red. Come to think about it, Blue and Red seem to be the most vivid of the colors. My mind is in a fragile state. What I mean by this, is there is definite potential to have a bad trip, but I decided to trip where i felt the most safe(my room).

At about 4 hours into the trip, the colors are less brilliant, but still beautiful. My mental state is much more in control now, and things are winding down nicely. As for trip reports that i read about 2c-I being over stimulating, I did not notice one stimulating effect. My brother who took it complained about jaw clenching. I did not have one unpleasant body effect. In fact I felt wonderful. I smoked about 6mg of JWH-018 at the 5 hour point, with intention of going to sleep. My trip seemed to have kicked in much harder after smoking. But a very relaxed trip, both physically and mentally. I ended up falling asleep while still having some visual effects. My dreams were amazing, very vivid, and almost lucid.


I had a very good experience. I did not get the sense of coming out of the trip with a better understanding of myself. This was probably the most disappointing part, but as far as a good time go with a hallucinogenics this was a fantastic experience. Please be respectful of this drug, Its a precious gift.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81955
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 21, 2010Views: 6,137
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2C-I (172) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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