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Communicated with Aliens
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
by Sam
Citation:   Sam. "Communicated with Aliens: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp82031)". Jun 15, 2020.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
I had always wanted to have a psychadelic experience... my friend told me about salvia so I bought some to try. I had bought the smallest extract; 5X.

I was very stoked about trying salvia. My mind set was clear and happy, and my thoughts never were unsure or scared about tripping. My boyfriend got the video camera ready. I was sitting in a chair facing it and him. I began to light the bowl. I inhaled as much and my lungs could handle and held it in. As soon as I exhaled I remember thinking two things:

1) Wow, that was a big hit and
2) Woah woah woah...

I started upwardly leaving the house, I saw the roof and everything as I shot toward to sky. I landing on ground and looked up to see a pyramid like structure... then, the structure turned into a million different aliens. I remember them being orange and blobbish, but I can't be sure, things were very foggy. It was very hard to think during this trip. They were telling me that I needed to march with them. In and out of this, I feel like I'm a fly on some blinds... and the blinds keep changing across my eyes. I look before me and see my boyfriend and the room, and in an instant, it vanished. Completely unaware that I was tripped, I asked one of the aliens what the hell I just saw was (I'm talking about when I saw my boyfriend and the room behind me). He (she?) said that what I saw wasn't real and I needed to go with them. I started feeling very afraid at the point because I knew I needed to get back... but I couldn't. I looked behind me again and saw the door to his room. I bolted for it, trying to escape the aliens and to get back into that place for some reason. The room and my boyfriend kept vanishing from my consiousness....

The trip lasted 7 minutes.

Things started to come back into view... and I was aware at this point that I was coming down. I was so confused I wasn't even sure if the reality I was in was real. The reality I had experienced on salvia was so real that it seemed as though my reality, my home, my world, my boyfriend, my life, was merely relative. I spent the next thirty minutes sitting near the pool trying to remember the events of my trip. When I came back inside his room, we watch the recording. When I exhaled I sat back in the chair and just drooled and mumbled things. But then I got my all fours and was looking up to the ceiling (I'm assuming this is when I landing on the ground and was looking up at the pyramid like structure). There was a blank stare on my face... no expression. My boyfriend kept on trying to talk to me, but I would tell him 'Shh, they're trying to talk to me'. My boyfriend told me at points I was fluently speaking another language. The sounds I was making WERE NOT mumbles or gibberish, it was a language I'd never known.

The trip only lasted about 7 minutes, but it took me 30 minutes after the fact the fully come back to my senses. The trip was very scary for me because I felt like everything I knew didn't exist. I felt like I was fighting for my life and I didn't know why. It was very confusing... but I learned that having psychadelic experiences can be fun, but they should not be taken lightly, and to me, they are a learning experience and sometimes a battle to defeat.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82031
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 15, 2020Views: 633
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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