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This Moment
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Momentus. "This Moment: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp82062)". Jun 8, 2020.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1/3 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Set: Longtime interest in psychedelics and limited experience with pot and mushrooms as well as salvia. I have a fairly introverted nature and find many aspects of our world interesting such as psychology, philosophy, spirituality, art, physics, etc. and the nuances of these areas.

Setting: My house with my roommate R and friend I. We were in the house and mostly in the living room for the duration of the trip. We all took one tab of acid and 1/3 of a pot cookie and started doing a little bit of painting as we waited to experience the effects.

R and I were stenographers and were experiencing great elation as we shared this inside joke. We were recording the time frequently, perhaps every few minutes. Time started becoming distorted. Later, when consulting the journal in which I had been recording the events of the night, the recorded times actually went backwards at one point.

About an hour into the trip, R. became very distressed and paced around the house a great deal, tried to lie down and sleep (impossible) and decided he wanted to call an ambulance. Fortunately, R.'s brother and roommate arrived and advised R. against this and greatly calmed R. down. R. enjoyed the rest of his trip.

I was having a blast and feeling very free. One of the few memories I have of this time was discovering a pencil inexplicably between my big and fourth toe and not being sure of whether I had walked around the living room around like that for some strange reason. I was experiencing things from a very different place and was amazed when I suddenly found myself completely conscious just as I was slamming a glass of water. My awareness had been galaxies away milliseconds prior.

About six hours into the trip, the most profound event of my life happened.!...!....!...

....almost instantaneously, I realized that that moment was the last moment. My mind tried to reel...what was the next thought?....but there was no next thought. And with that a great terror overcame me. Immediately following the terror was a 'thought' of 'Oh, this is it.....' and I experienced a tremendous bliss. But just as I was having this realization, a terror greater than the previous bliss overcame me as I knew there was no more....then once again, a bliss and realization which completely encompassed all previous feelings overcame me. This cycle repeated over and over and over again and each experience of terror or bliss totally encompassed all previously experienced.

And all this happened in the exact same moment and no thought was possible.

My heart was pounding tremendously. I. told me later that I had been shaking for about a half an hour. I had grasped his hand.

Somehow, I came out of this experience and I remember saying, 'Oh my God, Oh my God' over and over many times. By this time it was perhaps seven hours into the trip and about 5 in the morning. R. and I. were passed or passing out on the living room couches, but I had great energy and stayed up probably for another few hours journalling and trying to comprehend what had happened.

Note: I had had a great interest in the afterlife prior to the trip as well and had read many reports of near-death experiences and had done research papers in college on the subject. My experience was something of a reversal of my understanding of what would happen after death. Instead of continuing in some way in another form, my message from the trip was, this moment, THIS MOMENT is all you have.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82062
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jun 8, 2020Views: 581
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LSD (2), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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