DXM with CPM & Alcohol
Citation:   HippiexChild. "Oblivion: An Experience with DXM with CPM & Alcohol (exp82066)". Erowid.org. Dec 3, 2009. erowid.org/exp/82066

8 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  3 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  2400 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  320 mg oral Chlorpheniramine Maleate (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: Most Coricidin contains CPM (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) which can be dangerous in high doses. See DXM Brand Warnings for more info.]
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
[Erowid Note: Unconfirmed Serious Injury Report. This report of a serious injury was submitted without verifiable details or contact information. Erowid is choosing to publish this report to invite public comment and to allow anyone who knows about this event to submit details that we can verify. Neither this report nor any report of a hospitalization should be considered reliable without details that can be verified through hospitals, police reports, family members, or news reports. If you have information about this incident or other experience resulting from the use of any psychoactive substance we cover, please contact sage at erowid.org.]
I remember this experience very well as if it happened yesterday. Well, Only the little bits and pieces that happened so I'll try to be as discrete as possible.

Here is a little background on me. I'm 20 years old now and I also attend a wonderful technical school. Addiction has been hard for me to get over, but I'm doing a pretty good job coping with being sober. My family has supported me in everything I've ever done[Except for the drugs of course]. I take many medications daily to function as a normal person now due to the fact I've done serious brain damage to myself because of my constant drug usage in the past years. When I was using DXM, I had a high tolerence. So I could take around 1000mgs just to have a good trip.

Now, onto the story you're so eager to hear.

I used to party every weekend, and this one weekend in particular it wasn't any different. The only thing that made it stand out was the fact I just found out the girl I fell in love with had been cheating on me with a 40 year old. So I was in a depressed state of mind.

I decided to go to the mall and see what was going down. In my town this is where we all hang cause their isn't nowhere else to go. I meet up with a guy I had recently met and needless to say, he had just gotten back over a grand for insurance and all. We'll call him J. While we was walking around the mall and such, we ran into my other friend. We'll call him C. After a while of walking around the mall and talking to some people we know, one of the mall cops' tries to run us off. Needless to say, J started back talking him and almost got us banned, so we left. We didn't have a car or anyway to drive, so we called this girl J knew to come get us. Before she got there, we talked about going to a bar that would sell underage minors alcohol. So the girl we was riding with drove us there and dropped us off.

We went in and J ordered us a picture of beer. We finished it within 10 minutes. Since J had money, I thought to myself He could probably buy us some shots of anything we wanted. So me being me, I convinced him to go up there with me and buy me some shots. I remember that I had drank at least 3-4 shots of assorted drinks. By this time I was drunk, but not VERY drunk. He then ordered another picture of beer. We finished it in 15 minutes at least. Now I'm very drunk. But I was still able to walk and talk right. I had a high tolerence for pretty much anything at this time.

Now us being drunk and all, We decided to walk back to the mall. When we got back there, I was in that 'I want to fight someone I don't give a shit who it is' mood. We met up with some people, and they was telling me how someone was talking crap about me and they also said he was there. So I went around the mall searching for him while lots of people were following me. I remember I went into a subway and as I laid eyes on him, I starting swinging and punching him wildly. Now this kid was innocient and the other people just wanted to see a fight. Well before I could gain my train of thought, the subway employees were calling the cops. So me and J took off across the road to Applebees and sat at the bar while the cops cooled down. This is where things get fuzzy. I remember going to the bowling alley later that night. I was sobering up.. But all those thoughts of my girlfriend cheating on me kept running through my mind. So I decided that a good DXM trip should take care of that. I had planned for me and my friends, who were staying at my house, to trip.

I was standing outside the bowling alley looking for a ride and to my luck, one of my friends pulled up. I asked him for a ride and he agreed. He took me and dropped me off. [This part of the story, My friends J, C, and A were still at the bowling alley and didn't know I had left]. I went in and to my surprise, they had at least 15 boxes of Coricidin. I ended up having around 10 boxes. So I went into the restroom to finish up. And as I was popping them out of the packs, [I was paranoid about stealing and getting caught] Those thoughts started running through my head again. I couldn't take it anymore. If she didn't love me, She didn't deserve me. I remember turning the water faucet on, and grabbing as many pills as I could in my pocket in one handful. I started downing as many as I could while I took drinks of water in between. I started having 2nd thoughts after I was done, but I figured I couldn't have taken many, being still tipsy and all. I counted the rest I had... and I only had about 86. I had took 160 of them out of the boxes. Do the math. I knew I was screwed.

I walked out the restroom knewing I wasn't going to be alive for long and ended up walking to the movies where everyone hung out at night. I seen my bestfriend and other friends I knew real well. The only thing I tell them is 'Goodbye, I'm going to die tonight.' They laugh cause they thought I was joking. They was high and little did they know what I had just done. My memory also gets a little fuzzy at this point. I remember that somehow I got back to the bowling alley. The coricidin starting kicking in about an hour after I used. Now this is where I lose every memory of that night. I remember standing against the podium outside the bowling alley talking to people while I'm tripping my balls off. I remember it got so bad I couldn't walk. And when I tried, I looked so stupid in front of everyone. It looked like I was extremely drunk and high.

I remember seeing a cop walking out the doors to where we were when he saw me. He then shoved me up against the wall [I guess because I was resisting]. He then put me in cuffs and shoved me in the backseat of his car. I remember watching him outside talking to my friends about what I was on. I blacked out 2 minutes after that. After I come to, I see paramedics lifting me up off the ground and start helping me into the ambulance. I wasn't in my body during this. I could see myself in the third person. I looked so helpless. I wanted to cry. But I couldn't. I couldn't feel anything. And then, BAM! I'm back in my body in the ambulance. They asked me some crazy questions on they way to the hospital, which it had seemed like it had taken years to get there when it was only across the street.

They got me out and wheeled me into the hospital. I don't really remember much after that. I remember lots of people asking me questions. I remember them trying to stick a tube up my nose, but it wouldn't go down. So they had me drink charcol. And I also remember them giving me a cathader. I won't ever forget that part. I couldn't piss so they had to drain my urine to find out what I was on. My girlfriend's mom works at the hospital, I remember her seeing me and she was shaking her head like she was disappointed. I remember the nurses shooting me up with something to slow my heart down. I also remember not being in my body 3 more times after that. I was numb when I wasn't in my body. I couldn't feel anything. But I could see everything going on.

The next 2 days can't be remembered. But I do know I spent them in ICU on life support. I was concious the whole time though. My family came and seen me, so did my girlfriend. The cop was going to charge me with underage drinking, but considering the fact I should have died, he cut me a break. The doctors have no idea how I lived. I don't either. My friends told me I started having a seizure in his backseat and he had to pull me out and do CPR. The nurses told me I was screaming that I never wanted to lose my girlfriend that whole night. My addiction psychitrist that I see now told me he came and talked to me. He is the one they call if someone overdoses in my region. He was a LT. Col in the army. He is VERY important. I didn't meet him until I tried to break my drug addiction. And he didn't know that was me that overdosed until I told him about it.

Some people heard that I had died, Other people heard I had killed someone. Their were, for a while, some crazy rumors going around until I fixed it. But I do know this, overdosing on any drug for that matter is something that I never want to experience again. And I haven't ever since then. I am saved now, and I love my life. I've been clean for a long time and plan on keeping it that way. Well, except for the occasional weed use.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 82066
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 3, 2009Views: 7,592
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DXM (22) : Various (28), Health Problems (27)

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