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While Pulling the Cone Everything Changed
H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis
by vay
Citation:   vay. "While Pulling the Cone Everything Changed: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis (exp82551)". May 1, 2022.

T+ 0:00
6 seeds buccal H.B. Woodrose
  T+ 1:30 5 bowls smoked Cannabis

This was my first real psychedelic experience. I had recently given up pot for a couple of weeks and fasted for two hours before I prepared to take the HBW seeds.

9:45 I scraped the furry coating from six large seeds and put them in a shot glass. I expected this to be a relatively sedative experience with no or little visual activity. My intention was to use meditative techniques to 'centre' myself and then to observe the experience.
I expected this to be a relatively sedative experience with no or little visual activity. My intention was to use meditative techniques to 'centre' myself and then to observe the experience.
I did not intend to take anything with the seeds in order to determine their exact effects.

10pm After chewing six seeds until they became bitter, almost with an aspirin like quality, I mixed it with saliva in my mouth for a few minutes as I took in the taste and slowly swallowed the mix bit by bit. I waited, feeling a slight body load or buzz as it was in my mouth and entered my stomach. I sat down to play xbox with an acquaintance. I noticed that I could not focus on the game and felt a little bit high.

10:40pm After forty minutes I assumed that the experience had peaked as I was feeling rather sedated and really started to notice how beautiful the shadows and light, especially around people’s faces seemed to be. I felt really relaxed and loved and loving. I really just enjoyed chatting and listening to people intensely.

11:15pm Although very slight visual distortions were starting I still felt as that this was relatively similar in strength to a strong sleeping tablet, but much more pleasurable, it was as if the HBW wanted to take me somewhere but I could not ‘break through’. I was offered a cone of mary’s finest and I accepted after my acquaintance argued that it may potentiate the effect more.

1120 While pulling the cone everything changed. My mind changed gears or something, I felt the highest I had ever been. I felt extremely high but extremely ‘clear’ at the same time, the body load was huge but my mind was free. This was after one cone, these two chemicals seem to be ‘sisters’ as the green helped me break through. On the other side everything seemed to be happening in perfect synchronicity, the only way I can describe this is to say that everything seemed to be connected and I felt as if I had entered another dimension parallel to this one where everything was happening exactly as it should and that ‘angels’ were guiding my life or that my life had been perfectly pre-planned from the start. I realised just how sacred life is for the first time. It was extremely strange.

1230 We watched youtube videos of amazing performers and a short clip about the size of the universe, all these movies seemed to have been chosen at the beginning of time for this very moment. I smoked two more cones at five mins apart.

12:47 (as read on watch) I felt as though it could be 5:30 in the morning, I really could no longer perceive time. I went to my room to check the time to find that no time had passed at all (just as I had secretly expected and known all along). I felt as though time had almost stopped and that each second was drawn out forever. At this point it seemed like I could just ask myself a question and would know the answer before I had asked. I noticed some resistance in myself, I had the choice to let go of my ego completely, but I was afraid so I could go no further into discovering this new world.

Maybe 330 am After experiencing some negativity I thought it was getting a little too powerful and kept resisting. I thought about taking some rue with it but as ‘luck’ would have it I had consumed some incompatible foods earlier. I decided to knock myself out with some cones and go to sleep.

530 (as read on watch) While lying in bed the negativity of the weed started to overpower the HBW as it faded, I felt alot of pain in my body and fought to stay conscious and to protect my ego which I was still afraid of losing. So the come-down was rough.

I never experienced any nausea and would rate it has the most intense experience for me yet.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82551
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: May 1, 2022Views: 410
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Cannabis (1), H.B. Woodrose (26) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), General (1)

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