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Night of The Living Dead
Citation:   SpeedVera. "Night of The Living Dead: An Experience with Dexedrine (exp8288)". Aug 10, 2004.

30 mg insufflated Amphetamines (ground / crushed)
It was sometime around midnight and I was talking to some friends on the computer. I had been particularly upset because I just broke up with my boyfriend, so I wanted something to take my mind off it. A friend of mine who sells his dexedrine perscription had given me a free sample of three pills, ten milligrams each. I was fed up with talking online but I didn't want to just go to sleep. So I went into my trusty secret drawer and pulled out my baggie. The pills were in capsule form so I opened them up and put them into one long, fat line on my desk. I used a rolled up business card and snorted the whole line.

It burned so horribly, since I had never snorted anything before. The worst part was it had a particularly nasty drip, I wanted to throw up from the taste. I had to keep drinking water to flush out the taste. I laid back on my bed, waiting for it to kick in.

I never really knew when it kicked in because, according to my dealer, I overdosed. He gave me enough to fuck me up, if I swallowed the pills. Snorting them was asking for disaster because of my weight. This is why throughout the whole of what I remember, I wanted to throw up, my bdy was rejecting the speed. I also felt tired which I knew was a bad thing if you are on speed. I becamehorribly depressed and wrote an eight page suicide note in about half an hour. It quickly turned from depressing to creative though, I planned out the best funeral in the world that I would want to go to if I were not dead. Soon, I was just hyper, but being in my room with no where to go, I was anxious. At about 6 o'clock I got up to take a shower. I looked in the mirror and did a stunned double-take, my eyes were the size of dinner plates!

For the rest of the day I was very awake and alert, but overall I had come down from where I was when I couldn't remember anything. One would think I would have stopped after ODing once, oh well...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8288
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 10, 2004Views: 23,222
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Amphetamines (6) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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