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2010, A Breath of Air
Methylone & 2C-I
Citation:   L2S5D. "2010, A Breath of Air: An Experience with Methylone & 2C-I (exp83124)". Feb 15, 2010.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Cannabis  
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 0:00 200 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 20 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
Background: 15 years of use including Marijuana, LSD, Cubensis, 2C-B, MDMA, MDMC, 2C-I, JWH-073, JWH-018, Salvia, Amanita, Sinicuichi, Blue Lotus, Dagga, Kanna, Calea, Kratom, Opium, Morphine, Coke, Meth, Nitrous, Rush, Pharms, OTC's, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, dag nabbit! Good Lord, what has I done to myself? Had a great time, let me tell you! I have yet to try, but have the means to, Morning Glories, Peruvian Torch, San Pedro, and DMT, so goody gumdrops, life has so much more yet to teach! My greatest polymorphous headbanger consisted of Molly, 2SeeBees, and Shrooms combined with Nitrous Oxide, which is another story altogether, but I'll just say that when I came down from that majestic zenith I needed to drop half a tab of Cid just to produce more hormones for my serotonin starved cerebellum. Anyhoo...

New Year's Eve 2009: I learn today that a planned snow camping skiing trip has been canceled, and a bunch of people are out of town heading to a football game (won't say which cause it would give away where I live, suffice to say it hasn't been played yet, so I don't know if we won or lost). I guess I'll be frying tonight.

Noon: T-04:00: Eat a good lunch with a glass of wine, puffin on and off. Continue to sip wine(about half a bottle), puff dank, and snack throughout the day, pretty leisurely like.

4PM: T+00:00: Decide to eat a 200 MG cap of methylone. I've taken this substance nasally (up to 400 MG) several times recently, and I really enjoy it's strange effects, though it compels me to drink a bit more than I normally would, and it wreaks havoc on my sinuses, careful with this stuff like that. I've only taken 100 and 161 MG orally once each, so this is a good step up.

5PM-7PM: T+01:00-T+03:00: The M1 eats its way through the cap and my snacks and I gradually work up into the warm stimulation. I begin to play around with beatboxing and become completely enthralled in that for a while, and in this time span I power through a bottle of wine. Now I'm a bit crunkish so I decide to ingest 20 MG of 2C-I to see how these two interact for the first time.

8PM-10PM: T+04:00-T+06:00: I've had my fair share of the 2SeeIn as it goes, so I understand how it takes a while to build, but the M1 really seems to enhance the stimulation of the come on. I'm getting pretty spun if you know what I mean, so its rounds of 8 flavors of hash, to calm down a bit. I'm getting pretty dehydrated at this point, and a little sloppy as well. 2C-I usually doesn't cause nausea for me (or really anyone else that I've seen take it, for that matter), nor does the M1 (one of the reasons I've chosen to research these chemicals, and not a bunch of 2C-T's), but tonight it's getting to me a bit, and I have to focus on not letting my lunch loose for a while. After a bit, its all good, and really I blame it on the alcohol more than anything.

10PM-12AM: T+06:00-T+08:00: Oh my yes, frying quite heavily, and MUCH more visually that on either of these two alone. Both have mild visual properties, both towards at the end of the experience, but definitely more pronounced in higher dosages. But together, boy howdy! It was nearly as visual as pure LSD, and much more enjoyable altogether. Never once did I feel out of sorts or out of control. Both these allies have a clear headedness by themselves, and that seemed to hold true when taken together, except the visual experience was magnified considerably. If you've ever experienced the crawling effect of 2C-B or 2C-I you'd know exactly what I'm talking about, except much more fluid. A little bit of tracers, very colorful, but mainly patterns crawling on surfaces. Very realistic.

12AM-12:15AM: T+08:00-T+08:15: The house is on psychedelic overload. I've got the epilepsy machine running and the hash smoke and the heater running makes me really want to open all the windows and the balcony door for a few minutes and I can hear the city going crazy as Happy New Year 2010! and then a gust moves through the space like the holy spirit cleansing the room and I close the windows again and it's over.

12:15AM-3AM: T+08:15-T+11:00: Spend some time on the phone with a friend who lives in Vegas, haven't talked in awhile, feeling very conversational. The nausea is a bit much now, but still easy to control, so I stop drinking. I watch the lamp become the wall at one point. The whole scene became two dimensional and the light filaments and filigree blending the wall, it's crawling texture, the lamp, it's silken lampshade, the light itself, and reality as a whole, or perhaps my perception thereof, all rolling in and out of each other in this strange two dimensional exchange of rainbow photons. The music was good, not as distorted as it is on a good dose of 2C-I. Of course, you know, I peaked forever, but there didn't seem to be as much of a prolonged tweeky comedown as there usually is on 2C-I, but instead sleep came easily when that time arrived.

Conclusions: This was probably one of the best fry trips I've ever had, visually speaking. It's hard to describe the way the two go together, but if you like one or the other, you may like them both together. I'm looking forward to trying both larger and smaller combos of the two to see if there's a visual 'sweet spot', but I have a feeling that it's the methylone adding the visual aspect, and I have a feeling that it would probably enhance other phenethlamines in much the same way, but who's to know.

I usually find that when I smoke on 2C-I I get baked, but that didn't seem to happen as much. It were as if the 2C-I had extended the M1 high, or more as if the two were now interacting as one novel substance reminiscent of pure acid, but without any loss of self or control and without the head rushing, elevated blood pressure, or nausea associated with MDMA and common psychedelics. I will say that it was a good deal headier that either alone, but for the amount of visual activity, very little body load. AMAZING!

Exp Year: 2009-2010ExpID: 83124
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Feb 15, 2010Views: 10,026
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Methylone (255), 2C-I (172) : Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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