The Non-Judging Mind
Citation:   Dowcet. "The Non-Judging Mind: An Experience with 2C-B (exp83178)". Oct 25, 2019.

1 tablet oral 2C-B
This was my first time trying 2C-B. I had barely even heard of it before my friend suggested we take some, instead of getting MDMA like we had been planning to do. I was not exactly anxious, but very hesitant. I'd been traveling for days, felt very tired, had a slight cold, hadn't eaten well that day, my stomach felt weird, had a lot of aches in my body from walking too much, etc. We were going to be walking in the cold rain to some club I didn't really know anything about. I was worried all of these things could contribute to an unpleasant trip, but I went with it anyway, and I'm glad I did.

I thought it might not be great to have a full stomach, but I was really hungry and ate all of a burrito before we dropped the blue pills around 7:30pm. Then we started walking to the club, which took about 40 minutes I think. It was pretty much just starting to kick in as we arrived; any effects before that were very subtle. Had a look around the club, started getting a little giggly, and quickly reached a plateau.

Very early in the night I had a straight double bourbon. As far as the actual act of drinking it, it was pleasant at first but a little too much at the end. I really enjoyed a beer later in the night. Pretty sure the alcohol helped me stay a bit more relaxed but its hard to really say; I sort of felt the typical buzz I would have sober, but not really because the 2C-B totally overwhelmed it.

It's pretty hard to describe what I felt except that it was a totally altered state of consciousness. Definitely reminded me a lot of acid in that sense, but I hardly had any visuals and did not feel tense or paranoid. Couldn't really try and interact with people other then my tripping-partner for the most part, but didn't feel at all self-conscious about acting strange when I did. Also unlike my experiences with LSD, I never worried that I had ruined my brain and put myself in this overwhelming condition permanently.
I never worried that I had ruined my brain and put myself in this overwhelming condition permanently.
I knew it would last just long enough and be over in due time.

Most noticeable and interesting was the profoundly 'non-judging' quality of the state of mind I experienced. I think Aldous Huxley described this from his mescaline trips but its not something I've reached before. Nothing I saw was ever 'good' or 'bad' per se, but just about every detail of every thing I could notice was mildly fascinating and profoundly acceptable. The closest I have ever come to this was from MDMA, but this time it was without anywhere near that level of pleasure. I walked around, sat down, stood up, danced, lied down, took frequent trips to the bathroom, but I wasn't really restless, just exploring. I'm pretty sure I would have really, really loved the music sober, but in this state just about any music would have seemed the same... moderately interesting and perfectly appropriate.

Otherwise it's hard to say what was so different about my state of mind, just that it felt _very_ different. I also kept thinking that being in this state and being able to compare it to my normal consciousness was equivalent to becoming a different person, or maybe even a different species, for an evening. In this sense it was a very empathic trip, but not in the way MDMA makes me empathic, e.g. extremely considerate and concerned about the needs of others. I wanted to be that way, but felt incapable, too distracted with this strange mental condition that was all my own. Rather then dissociating my sense of self, it gave me a feeling of insight about the unity but also the simultaneous separateness of individual minds. I was not only very aware of the privacy of my experience, but intrigued and comforted by the feeling (true or not I don't know) that none of this was changing my outward behavior very much as it was perceived by other people. I could not and cannot conceptualize or explain very well these insights, but did profoundly _feel_ them for the duration of the trip.

So, this is a bit gross to get into but (hopefully) worth sharing. In the middle of the trip, I puked a bit. I think it happened just because I was coughing and gagging a fair bit, which I am generally susceptible to for no apparent reason. It was a single hefty wretch, but not enough to cramp my stomach or get up into my nose. Normally that is something that terrifies me... I absolutely hate puking but on 2C-B it didn't bother me in the least. I ran quickly to the bathroom but the toilet was occupied. I patiently held it in my mouth while the guy finished pissing. As soon as I could, I tried to spit it in the toilet, but I didn't do a very good job and made a slight mess. I wasn't about to clear it up so I just kind of shrugged it off and walked away, only the slightest bit annoyed with the burning sensation left in the back of my throat.

We were just barely starting to come down the slightest bit when the club closed, about 5 hours after we dropped. We walked around, went to a bar and then a doughnut shop. It was a pleasant and gradual descent. I think I was able to fall sleep just over 8 hours after I dropped. The next day I felt slight after effects in terms of subtly altered consciousness, but basically normal.
The next day I felt slight after effects in terms of subtly altered consciousness, but basically normal.
This was a very nice contrast to cannabis, LSD and MDMA, which always leave me feeling really crappy for a day or two.

My friend had 1.5 pills and a pretty similar experience from what I can tell, except with more visuals. My conclusion from all this one time is that 2C-B is an extremely interesting and pleasant psychedelic. I will definitely be experimenting with it again, as soon as I am able to. I'd love to try it in a forest during the daytime instead of in a dark club--that was a great setting too, but it would be interesting to compare.

[Reported Dose: "13 mg (according to the dealer, but who really knows right?)"]

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83178
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Oct 25, 2019Views: 1,050
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2C-B (52) : Club / Bar (25), First Times (2)

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