Levamisole as Cut
Cocaine (with Levamisole)
Citation:   flyinv. "Levamisole as Cut: An Experience with Cocaine (with Levamisole) (exp83344)". Erowid.org. May 5, 2010. erowid.org/exp/83344

My friend was using coke recreationally over Christmas and became ill with a low to nill white blood cell count. After almost 2 weeks in the hospital she was released and the testing concluded that he system was saturated with levamisole, a drug that is used primarily in chemotheraphy. She works at the hospital so further inquiry found other people sick with similar symptoms.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83344
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: May 5, 2010Views: 17,307
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