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A Study Into the Train Stations of Mind
Citation:   Pyromedic. "A Study Into the Train Stations of Mind: An Experience with 2C-E (exp83546)". May 12, 2010.

9 mg insufflated 2C-E
A Study Into the Train Stations of Mind – 2C-E 9mg insufflated


I'm not overly experienced as a tripper, but 2C-E is what I have most experiences with. Today I got a new 1/1000 accurate scale and decided to give it a test ride after calibration and measured myself a healthy dose of 2C-E. After a bit of tweaking, it ended up being about 9mg.

2C-E is a curious substance in that it doesn't confuse me at all and yet gives a very strong overall psychedelic feeling. It's unlike acid, in that acid made me utterly confused and later on close to suicidal with half of a blotter (albeit I'm planning on doubling the acid dose when a perfect set & setting is at hand) and much stronger than 4-AcO-DMT.

Anyway, into describing the trip phases:


Snorted the 2C-E. It felt – I guess it feels as such each time – as if one thousand million daggers exploded in my nose, the worst pain ever possible to produce from any physical damage. I was fully aware of this effect, and am quite able to treat it as just one of the mandatory negatives.

In harmony with the nasal pain fading, the bodyload grew stronger. After getting up in our living room, where I snorted, I had to soon lay down in my bed as I felt on the brink of vomiting – Like I almost always do with 2C-E and sometimes even go on to vomit.

The visuals started to grow, and boy they grew weirdly. It was a very unusual beginning for 2C-E, as I felt like having completely lost any consciousness of my limbs and body, yet the visuals and sound distortions weren't even close to the stage where I usually get the similar feeling of general body-disconnection.

When the visuals started to appear, they were the usual 2C-E with textures moving, shaping, curving, few small star-like fractals. Music got a bit deeper, albeit less so than I had hoped.

Now I must say, that even with the feeling of physical incapacitation, I was very aware that I could have acted quite normal, raisen up, chatted and walked. That's an interesting notation into 2C-E, it seems fairly well controllable with experienced users while simultaneously offering possibilities for very unique internal insights and extremely interesting, strong psychedelic effects in visuals, sound, general feeling.

Euphoric Candyland:

Me and my roommate's apartment had quite few people in it, and more arrived as I continued tripping. So far all of them good friends, who, with the 2C-E, felt really concretely like family or ”same tribe”. I had the constant feeling that there were more people than really were, common for 2C-E (and another very unique ones of it's effects).

Being that the psychedelics combined with strong sativa-leaning bud (such as moby dick and super skunk (yes, supposedly indica, but .. no.)) had caused perhaps the most traumas for me and few friends, I decided to take the first hits from the bong easily. It was hashis, which should make it easier – And boy, that it did. The whole world melted into this big comforable general feeling of well-being, with visuals taking a brighter, more joyful form. Balloons hanging from corner of our ceiling looked like candy. I felt really perfect, and very important factor in this was the people present. In some odd way, there was feeling of general good atmosphere that really made the trip's hilight. Like always, good things come to an end, and people started to fade away. Each time it felt like partion of ME had left with the people leaving, like I couldn't anymore ever be whole again because the unique, tranquiline moment had been shattered.

Laying in the Shower:

Two people were still there, neither of which I knew well at all and in fact, I did get some bad vibes from them. So I retreated to the shower, which was always a place of general comfort for me. I laid down on the floor, as it warped around me, and stared the fractals in the ceiling. Albeit the visuals were slightly fading (being about 2-3 hours from since I snorted), my mind now really seemed focused to tackle many questions and issues.

I thought about the nature of 2C-E; It feels a bit like a drug I could have like others have alcohol, nicotine or weed. I could just pop down a vial when coming from university and lay down, enjoying myself. Yet, I was aware of the more sinister side: Not fully known research chemical, that does seem to break psyche on the long run (more about that in the end!).

I had many insights into my own issues (such as depression, relationships (or lack of)) and generally finding answers to the questions such as general effects of psychedelics: As I've always felt that majority of people DO NOT take them seriously, and are unable to focus psychedelics to any fruitive thought procress. Their descriptions of effects are vague and don't seem to really put much importance on their tripping. I'm not sure if this is really true or not, as it might be something I'm ill fit to pick from another culture (being Finnish, while most trip reports are by Americans).


The long ramble..:

It's now 8 hours since I snorted. I still feel some effects and am pretty much uncapable to sleep due to the stimulant effects of 2C-E it has on me (I wonder if I have ADHD, since 2C-E seems to put me into SO MUCH FOCUS when it likewise confuses other people, who are generally well focused). I feel small headache-like pressure in my head, but I'm not sure if it's 2C-E or my general unhealthy living habits, or just muscle tenseness in neck radiating.

I'd pretty much like to pull 2C-E almost weekly, but I also feel it might have some effects on the mind. Perhaps very closely like alcohol has. There's the slight confusion, questioning after using 2C-E that I get from binge-drinking for some time. The quiet unsureness of -everything-. 2C-E feels a bit like it allows every piece of data in my mind to go in slow-motion, hazily on. Or train tracks: There are all the tracks which carry my sight, emotions, feelings, memories, feeling, hearing, and now I've got a top view to the train stations alongst those tracks.

I had many questions answered and learned much further about 2C-E. It's a substance that is possible to control for me. I feel that if I tried, I could fully ignore the effects of even a very high dose – but why would I do that? I enjoy the drug, and wish I could take it habitually, but my sober mind steps in and warns about the dangers.

2C-E has really provided an excellent tool for studying social relationships, problems, and such; It really has helped me to be more caring for my friends, yet it has also focused me to deal with my own personal issues (which are wide varied) that I usually want to ignore. I'm seeking into real active exploration of 2C-E in festival and rave like environments, where I feel it could be the tool for really magical feelings of connection with others, something acid or mushrooms have seemed ill fit to offer me.

I still have many questions left. Does 2C-E become harmful on the body? What is the actual function in the brain that allows me to become so awfully consicous about my digestive tract? Is it merely the amphetamine-like effects of stimulating all senses combined to acid-kind psychedelic view, yet with more focus? What, exactly, is the goal of all this? (A question acid REALLY taught me to ask. Unfortunately – the trip was .. odd).

Writin' this live. Still feeling the effects, 8 hours 20 minutes since intake. Wonder if it's just me, or do the after effects seem to last longer each time of usage? Or, is it always like this before I go to bed to fall asleep?

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83546
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 12, 2010Views: 8,423
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2C-E (137) : Relationships (44), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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