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A Colorful Low Dose Trial
Citation:   happyhead :). "A Colorful Low Dose Trial: An Experience with 2C-I (exp83589)". Mar 21, 2020.

T+ 0:00
5 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
  T+ 1:15 5 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
Hey Everyone,

This here is my first ever trip report I’ve written, and its sure not to be the last. As for a brief background, I am 17 and so far have tried Marijuana (only a few times since I don’t like the feeling of stupidity it gives me), Nitrous Oxide, Salvia Divinorum, Kratom, DXM, Methylphenidate(Ritalin), a little Zolpidem (Ambien), and all this leads me to my first ever experience with a research chemical, 2C-I.

Out of the three classes of drugs, the only one that I think really has any value are the Psychedelics. I believe they have potential to teach us things about ourselves and our lives that we would never be able to understand sober, and I see that as something of major value. So far I’m not really sure what I’m looking to figure out with my Psychedelic escapades, but I’m sure the answer will find its way to me eventually…. Somehow.

Anyway, here starts my report in simple format so it’s easier to read:

T+0:00 I use my .002 scale to measure out roughly 40mg 2C-I and my trusty 10mL syringe to measure 40mL of distilled water. I then dissolved the 2C-I into the water, which is kind of tricky mind you, and ingested 5mg, or 5mL, to start with.

T+1:15 I finally begin to notice brighter colors around me and I feel an overall sense of well being, with a hint of the “I love everyone” feeling. Along with that I feel a moderate jaw clenching which isn’t very noticeable and doesn’t take away from the fun of the experience at all. At this point I had been testing for any adverse or allergic reactions and there were absolutely none, so I proceeded to ingest 5 more mL. I then finish the rest of my movie (45min. worth)

T+1:45 I begin to feel the second dose of the chemical affecting me, pushing the saturation of my surroundings even higher, and I found that to be extremely pleasant. Also the feelings of happiness and empathy have slightly strengthened. Overall Feeling great with no negative side effects whatsoever besides the jaw clenching – which really surprised me since I had worries about the nausea many people report.

T+2:30 The effects at this point I think peak and the experience is very controllable. I had several lengthy conversations with my parents and never felt any paranoia that they thought I was tripping. Music also sounded very clear and crisp at this point and I felt a small amount of energy through my body, although my heart didn’t seem to be beating any faster than usual, which is about 68-85bpm.

T+3:20 This is where I think the effects started diminishing though it was pretty hard to tell since they weren’t that pronounced to begin with.

T+4:30 Its now 11:40 (I took my first dose at 7:10) and I am feeling pretty tired unexpectedly so I try to get some sleep. Long story short, it was impossible. Even though I felt tired I couldn’t fall asleep until…

T+6:30 I estimate that this is when I fell asleep and I had a pretty vivid dream which I won’t describe, but it turned out to be very emotional, in a bit of a depressing way.

Next Day: I woke up at around 11:00 feeling a little drained and exhausted and maybe slightly depressed, though that could just be from the crappy sleep I had.

Overall I definitely see myself trying this drug again in little increments at a time. I am very relieved that I felt no negative effects aside from the jaw clenching and I would have to agree with many others that this chemical does feel pretty synthetic and isn’t my recommendation for any serious religious/shamanic exploring but I haven’t exactly upped the dose very high yet so we’ll see. I remember a slight urge to do more as I was tripping but it vanished as soon as the trip was over (same time I fell asleep).

Anyway hope that was a thorough enough report and until next time, Namaste and peace to you.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83589
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Mar 21, 2020Views: 559
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2C-I (172) : General (1), First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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