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Methylone & Mephedrone Comparison
Methylone, 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) & Various
by SLH
Citation:   SLH. "Methylone & Mephedrone Comparison: An Experience with Methylone, 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) & Various (exp83625)". Erowid.org. Mar 30, 2010. erowid.org/exp/83625

  repeated   Methylone
    repeated   4-Methylmethcathinone
    repeated   Cannabis
    repeated   Alcohol
If you just want to know what the effects are for me and my opinions then I’ve summarised at the bottom.

First Time

Day 1 (-4 days from writing) Total: Mephedrone 100mg, Methylone 100mg, Lots of alcohol not sure how much but I’m quite a lightweight so I was pretty drunk.

Setting the scene: I had smoked a couple of joints earlier which had really knocked me on my ass, so I was kinda tired when the night started. I was meeting some mates, then going to a friends house for her birthday, then going to a warehouse party. This is my first time on Methylone and Mephedrone and possibly ecstasy (note; that is explained in the experience), previous drugs are limited to weed, booze and Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds (which contain LSA).

T +00 (About 7:20) I started the night by taking 100mg of Methylone at home orally in some soda, very shortly after eating a good meal for dinner.

T +20 I arrived at my friends, I was starting to get the effects at this point.

T +30 mildly euphoric, I wanted to leave but a friend was late so I was quite agitated.

T +40-55 Drank a pint of lager, nothing much happened, just felt good.

T +1:10 Drank another pint, and this is where things start getting hazy.

T +1:20-2:30 There was free booze so I had quite a lot.

T +2:30-3:30 I drank a lot constantly for an hour before we left for the warehouse, was very drunk and my memory is almost gone from here on out

Estimated T +3-4 I took about 100 mg of Mephedrone in water. I remember throwing out the bottle just before going into the club.

T +3:30 I have forgotten my ID and the bouncer won’t let me in, but he gets distracted and I just run into the club, he didn’t chase me. This is not typical of my character but it got my Adrenaline going and I was loving it, the mephedrone was definitely a lot more energetic, was perfect change of pace, went from relatively calm chatting with music on methylone to heart pumping and huge bass in the club.

T +4-5 My only other memory of the club. Was queuing for the toilet and chatting to some people on much more meph than me, one was apparently selling ecstasy, and I bought a pill for under the odds. The sensible part of me seemed to have disappeared, I was living in the moment. Was so happy. In retrospect though, I don’t think it was E, and my mate who was with me but only drunk agreed though he didn’t buy any.

T +8:30 Got back to my friends house, the ones who I very started the night at. The effects were wearing off and my energy was leaving me but I was still happy and 4 of the lads stayed up playing Fifa (a soccer game for you Americans) while a girl (another friend, but she was well tired) kind of lay there quietly just listening.

T +9:50 Talking the next morning we apparently played FIFA for like 1 and a halve hours. I think it was less, but anyway we turned it off and king of talked while slowly sorting out how we were gonna sleep and got sleeping bags. Out of nowhere I felt bad, just ill at this point. Then as the guy whos house it is goes upstairs VERY suddenly I need to puke so I sprint up the stairs and disappear into the toilet. Was very out of nowhere and uncontrollable, and made a terrible mess. Who the hell has carpet in their toilet anyway?!

T +9:55 I come back downstairs and it’s dark and quiet, everybody is falling or fallen asleep, I feel fine so I climb into a sleeping bag and nod off, no trouble in doing so.

Next morning I feel alright, slightly hungover but I’m pretty sure that was due to the drink since I seem to quite badly suffer from hangovers, but I certainly no depression I had read about mephedrone. I realise I have forgotten 5 hrs of clubbing though I loved it, today 3 days later I was told I was talking to a couple of hot blondes, didn’t remember them or have their numbers, but oh well. This is very out of character, I’m normally quite quiet and shy, to the point I’m not entirely sure how true it is. I feel like I had a jokes time though, even if I can’t remember it.

Day 2 (-3 days from writing):

Setting the scene:
I went out and got quite high on weed over lunch, and went and did some shopping, meant to get gloves and maybe some jeans but I bought a game and food :D. I then sobered up a little to speak to my parents but after had a little more, timed it so I had the munchies when I had dinner around 7:15.

T +00 (7:30) Day after the club I am going to a small do at a friends for his birthday, maybe 15-20 people there I know most quite well. Take 125mg of 50/50 split between Mephedrone and Methylone then leave the house orally in soda.

T +30 I get to my mates house (I’ll refer to him as BB-Birthday Boy, since he was having a little birthday jam after the excitement of the girl who’s birthday it was yesterdays celebrations), not many people there, just having a quiet chat sitting round in a circle. I have a pint of lager but am feeling quite quiet, it often happens at the start of a night out for me, I just have nothing I want to say. I happen to be offered a gum when I get here, I have it a while with it just there, but as time passes I am more grateful as the jaw tension takes effect. I throw it out around +2:30

T +0:50 A while ago my friend had arrived, whos a raw stoner, so we both roll up and go share a couple of joints outside, I really feel the Drone and Methyl kicking it, we’re smoking the same shit and both bare happy but while he was sitting relaxing being quite quiet I was standing swaying to the faint sound of music coming from inside. During this time I had a second pint.

T +2:00 We share a second joint, despite passing it around a lot there is still loads left, and I am smoking it really slowly and everybody starts going inside, so I put it out and forgot about it till the next day when I was at home). It was the guy who’s house it is anyway, he can have a tiny bit of weed left in the rain.

T +2:15 This isn’t really related to anything, maybe increased confidence (or stupidity) but just quite a funny little anecdote of something that I did. While we were outside we were kinda talking and looking in when we see a bottle of absinthe on the window, it looked decorative like it had been there for years, so I figured as long as it looks like that when I leave nobody will ever notice. So I say we should find some blue food colouring (same colour as the liquor) and miss it with water till we can get the colour, then swap them and have the absinthe, my friends say it’s stupid I’ll never find blue food colouring, but I do and when I tell them it quickly spreads across the room till everyone is staring at the crazy drugged up guy in the kitchen trying to get the exact blue for absinthe. The birthday boy soon realised though and objected to me stealing his parents booze, seeing as it was his birthday I left it. For now… ;)

T +3:00 It feels like the powders had peaked, I am still very euphoric, chatty and moderately energetic, certainly not tired. I decide in about ½ hour I would have another 125mg of 50:50 mix in some water.

T +3:30 I drink it then go and get speaking to a new face, he was pretty much the only new person to me all of that night, I really liked him and we went outside so he could smoke a couple of fags. I really want him to get into my friendship group, and will be inviting him along to parties, as he was well funny and easy to get along with, and really interesting. Again this is out of character for me; normally I don’t talk to completely new people much.

T +4:00 I think I have too much, the jaw tension I am suffering is unreal. I am still extremely euphoric and a bit energetic but I literally was wandering around gurning looking so stupid with my huge pupils. I kinda became the centre of attention, and it is only really now I realise literally about 8 people were wrecking me for what was going on, and I’ve seen the pictures and bloody hell I look insane. At the time though it was fantastic I remember saying it was so intense. And it really was, you know the kind of adrenaline rush you get, that was what it felt like. I was so happy and so buzzed up.

T +4:20 I literally asked pretty much everyone for gum to get rid of the tension, which worked a treat. Felt fantastic, with a glass of water all the bad points of the high were gone

T +5:00 Things are dying down, people are starting to leave. Someone was going my way but I still had energy (maybe too much at this point) and stayed, there were other people going same place as me staying. People continue to leave till only about 5 people who are staying and me and the guy I was going back with.

T +5:30 Some people want food, but we weren’t sure what takeaways were open so it was decided a runner was needed to go buy food. I was well up for it and ran and so someone relatively sober (guy I was going back with) I think decided to come with so I didn’t get myself killed. Got food and came back.

T +6:00 When we got back there everyone was sitting round watching football highlights on mute while talking. Two of the people are absolutely hilarious when drunk and together so I just sit there listening while eating halve a kebab someone gave me for getting all the food. I thought it was brilliant.

T +6:20 The guy I’m going home with is practically falling asleep, I kinda wanted to go at this point, the birthday boy kind of forced him to get up, so we left.

T +6:30-6:50 The guy I’m with is kinda sobered up by this point but I’m still talking really quickly, the high is definitely coming down and I think he is kinda annoyed by my constant talking, he just wants to sit quietly on the bus and zone out.

T +7:00 I live like 10mins from the bus stop and I had intended for the past hour to smoke a little joint I rolled earlier on the way home, but I completely forget until like 2 mins away, so I slow right down and smoke it, it is quite stoney weed so it takes the energeticness right out of, I am so mellow and happy when I lie down in bed. I watch some South Park, enjoyed it so much and drifted off as the final remnants of an energetic high wear off.

Day 3 (-1 Day)
I sleep for about 12 hours before I am woken the next day by my parents waking me up for Lunch. I stay in bed though for another hour until they go out. I have no hint of a bad comedown, and the day that followed was exactly what I wanted to do. Just being proper mellow just watching movies and playing video games, smoked a fat joint finishing off the 1/8 I had bought on the first day of this report. Was strong stuff.

Day 4 (Day of writing)

I have school in the morning, no trouble concentrating or anything, despite my weekend binge, but I’m finished and get home before lunch. While the other two times I was with loads of friends today I’m not, felt like going home.

T +0:00 (12:10) I am interested in the difference between Mephedrone and Methylone, so I decide to do a (not very controlled) experiment. I don’t want to get properly high again so I do 50mg of Methylone nasally, the first time I have ever sniffed a drug. I didn’t really feel addicted and compelled to do either of the drugs, I just wanted to know what I should take when, and compare the effects.

T +0:02 At first my nose felt fine then like 2 minutes later it really started to burn and the back of my mouth was tasting a little Methylone.

T +0:10 I felt I had a good judge of the high at this point, I felt quite euphoric, not very chatty, quite calm. Not couchlock stoned type feeling, just felt like sitting at the computer playing my more ‘dancy’ tunes. Normally my friends rip on me for being a bit of a metalhead, and electronic music is not normally what I enjoy but the bass felt good.

T +0:40 Effects fading, still feel good but want to redose a little. Did not notice that with taking it in liquid.

T +0:50 I feel clear headed enough to compare it directly to mephedrone. I measure and sniff 50mg of crystal mephedrone.

T +0:51 Holy mother of god my nose is fucking dying.

T +1:00 I need to go buy lunch as I have nothing of the sort of stuff I feel like eating, so I head out on my bike (pedal bike).

T +1:05 Cycling like 25MPH down road (which is quick for me on a pushbike) was exhilarating. I am tired and there’s a traffic system which is scary when sober, so I push it the final stretch.

T +1:05-1:25 get a few things from the shop. I feel really good and a guy in front of me buying just one thing which was cheap got bored and wandered off to another checkout and stole it. We caught eyes, I grinned and we shared a nod of respect. Again, out of character for me.

T +1:40 Want to redose again. I did not have this when taken in liquid, sure I did redose but I would have just as happily not done.

T +1:50 I decide I want to write this trip report, as I hope it’d be useful seeing as there is limited experience, but first I thought \/.

T +2:00 I decide to redose orally. Not good, took about 60% of a glass of soda mixed with 100mg of 50/50 mix.

T +2:10-4:30 I write this experience report, writing the best part of four pages. I normally have trouble writing more than 1.5 on anything at all and always get distracted by the internet. As soon as I went on the computer this is all I did, no distractions. Not a good though considering I’m go to a really good school and am expected to get obscenely high grades but maybe take a tiny bit of Meph before my history essays? I may try this at some point.

T +4:30 Finished report, rarely can I do 2 hours of straight writing. Am also going to have my lunch 3:30h after I originally intended. Have been chewing one piece of gum for 3:00 hours now, had so much jaw tension.

Mephedrone Vs Methylone (My opinion)

Both make me feel great, I love everyone and don’t care about any of their bad points, be they annoying or someone who’s wronged me or something, I loved them all.

Mephedrone really makes me want to dance, I think some people mistook my swaying for being out of my head on, but really I needed to dance and that was the only I could let it out. Nobody else was dancing. With methylone I was a lot more ready to be with close friends and comfy.

Confidence, Talkativeness, sort of similar thing for me
Related to above and again Mephedrone for sure has the edge, I feel like I can start a conversation with literally anyone, and I will. Maybe better if they are as intoxicated as I am though? Methylone makes me want to talk to close friends I think, people I know and are with a lot so I tend to talk about the same stuff or just talk about an old random memory and go on a tangent… Sort of like I was about to do then.

This is a problem with all drugs of any sort for me. Both severely effect me in the adverse way. Maybe a good thing if I can forget how stupid I looked if I was seriously tripping around some quite sober people (for me, day 2). But bad if I really was chatting up 2 hot blondes and have no idea how it went.

When I gave myself a fixed amount to take orally over the night not at all, (I mixed the liquids with the mephedrone and methylone before leaving). When I took it nasally before writing this report really quite addictive. That’s why I redosed in liquid, which at +4 hours is really fading, my drink about 20mg worth, then cook and eat lunch and finish it off.

‘Stages’ of high

Ingest> start loving everyone and enjoy music> tiredness
On an empty stomach kicks in in around 15-45 minutes, start feeling tired after at least 2 hours. With food 0:30-1:15 to kick in and lasts up to about 4 hours

Sniff> Start loving everyone and enjoy electronic music> Want to redose within an hour, not as much as meph though.


Ingest > Love everyone, enjoy music, want to talk to everyone about anything, want to dance, confidence > Slow comedown into tiredness, I can feel it coming and if I redose it goes away. It takes the same time to kick in as Methyl, but lasts a little less (maybe like 30%) long.

Sniff > Love everyone, enjoy music, want to talk to everyone about anything, want to dance, confidence > Really want to redose, even if I am still very much in the good bit of the high. Not unhappy but if I had more easily accessible I would take it.
Want to redose within an hour.

I like both, and at £10 gram for Meph and £15 for Methyl they are really quite cheap. I think the lesson I have learned is Meph isn’t so good for more relaxed time, I really want to do something when on it. So when there is just a few people out I may take just methyl or, more like 80:20 Methylone:Mephedrone mix. I think when I am in a club or at a big party I’ll go maybe 40:60 Methylone:Mephedrone, to help meet new people and enjoy dancing more. I am certain I will take both of these again.

Additional Notes

• All three time I have suffered a large amount of jaw tension, grinding teeth and tense muscles. I actually have a cut on my hand where I was clenching it so hard my nails actually tore the skin.

• Destroys my appetite. I am +4:30 since I sniffed the first line, beforehand I was mildly hungry. Been 2:30 since my last dose and 8 hours since breakfast.

• Makes me like crappy electronic and dance music. Normally a metalhead I find myself enjoying Lady Gaga, some random electronica and dubstep.

• On Day 3 I felt quite mellow, no sign of a bad comedown I had heard a couple of places about.

• I won’t shut up, earlier I mentioned rarely writing much for essays, without stopping for a second I have just written 6 pages. Damn.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83625
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 30, 2010Views: 19,303
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