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Rollercoaster Experience
Citation:   ThatsWhatsUpx. "Rollercoaster Experience: An Experience with Promethazine (exp83872)". Feb 28, 2018.

62.5 mg oral Pharms - Promethazine (pill / tablet)
I found a bottle of 12. 5 MG's Promethazine, and read a few experiences online, and took 5. About a half hour after I took them, my mom called me out into the living room, and that's when I noticed it was starting to kick in because I was really light headed.

Later, I felt sooo good. I turned on Comedy Central and I was soo happy and laughy. I felt soo amazing. But then this is when it gets pretty bad.

I got really sleepy, so I shut off my TV and said goodnight to my mom and dad, went back to my room and laid down, and shut my eyes. I was sooo tired but I couldn't get comfortable at all. I was tossing and turning in every position.
I was sooo tired but I couldn't get comfortable at all. I was tossing and turning in every position.
Then, I started twitching in my right arm and my feet. I was ready to cry because I was so tired and I couldn't get comfortable and now I was twitching.

Then I got this weird taste in my mouth that I can't even describe, but the day after I still had it, I can't describe it, but it's so gross and no matter what I try, the taste won't go away.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83872
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 28, 2018Views: 7,319
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Pharms - Promethazine (336) : General (1), Various (28)

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