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A Favorite of Mine
Citation:   Grass Greener. "A Favorite of Mine: An Experience with 2C-B (exp84382)". Aug 8, 2017.

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral 2C-B
  T+ 2:00 25 mg oral 2C-B
2C-B and Its Accessories

As a long-time user of psychedelics, I was pleased to find this research chemical as a pleasant and highly visual varietal with which to pepper my psychedelic appetite. The drug comes on slowly, taking upwards of two hours to present itself through incredible visuals, usually triggered by light, and an easy to manage body high that lasts well after the hallucinations or visuals have died off.

2C-B is the love child of mushrooms and my most comfortable molly experience. The way I've come to enjoy taking 2CB is by taking 25mgs then wait for the come up, take another 25mg, then rest into the experience for a while.

I've successfully combined 2C-B with molly, but it wasn't necessary. Also, Ketamine provided an excellent come down and transition between these drugs. In small doses at the end of a trip it was the perfect way to bring back some of my more vivid visuals and give me a nice, disconnected place in which to absorb the final surges of my 2C-B experience.

I've been doing hallucinogenics for 12 years and this is a favorite of mine below Acid and fantastic mushrooms.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 84382
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Aug 8, 2017Views: 1,214
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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