Depression Cloud
Citation:   antaean3000. "Depression Cloud: An Experience with Cannabis (exp84524)". May 9, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis
Ever since I was about 16 years old I had experimented with cannabis then for a few years I never gave it a second thought until I started to suffer from clinical depression.

I had tried everything to help relieve depression and I looked back on the time I had use cannabis and remember how it used to help my mood when I was not feeling very happy. I decided to start using marijuana. I had always used sativa strains of cannabis but after doing a lot of reading I believed that Indica dominant strains would be more helpful.

It was around June when I picked up some good indica cannabis and one particular day I was feeling very low my thoughts had spiraled out of control and it was like they where racing at 100mph through my head. So I toked up I used a small thumb full of cannabis and in 5 minutes flat I felt a wave of heaviness sweep throughout my body. I was very relaxed and my mind was peaceful.

That night I toked up again and I managed to get to sleep without any effort at all when before I would lay there awake for hours until the early hours of the morning.

I often toke up when my mood is low and at times it is such a relief to feel calm and relaxed.

The best memory I have of Cannabis was when I was in France. I was very worked up and had anxiety about getting back to the ferry on time and this guy sitting next to me toked up and the carriage of the train had filled up with smoke and I was breathing it in and in time at all I was relaxed and happy.

I believe god put this good plant on this earth for a reason. I believe too that the world could be a better place is everyone toked up. Iv never met a angry or or violent person who was stoned or high on cannabis alone.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 84524
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 9, 2019Views: 748
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Cannabis (1) : Health Benefits (32), Depression (15), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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