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Pure Love
Citation:   MaddHatter. "Pure Love: An Experience with 2C-I & MDMA (exp84546)". Mar 6, 2019.

Since I have tried 2ci, and the combination of 2ci and MDMA, I have desperately tried to express the blissful experiences with others. Even after all my attempts, words seem to do the trips no justice. 2ci and MDMA, when taken in the correct dosages, have resulted in me a feeling of Pure Love. Here is my attempt to label the unimaginable feelings with simple words.

Feeling Ecstatic, but collected. My dream-like thoughts reflected all around me in beautiful glowing light. Visions of beauty spread like rain while poetic ponds collect in my brain. Speaking the language of vision. Feeling rather psychedelic. Riding the cusp of all energy. Luminous sun rays exposing everything in its pure elemental form. Details lost then found. Walking through the forest with my friends, all smiles and laughter. The springy pine needles beneath my feet make it seem like I am walking on a cloud. And I just might have been. I look up and see trees and their tangles of branches dancing and swaying to a vibration I was now in tune with. Stood on a fallen tree, outstretched my arms and felt the cool wind sweep through my body and cleanse my soul. Dancing and drifting between dreams and reality. Every dimension beautifully depicted in the gorgeous sunlight. Rainbows leaping from every direction into my ever-eager eyes. Happily blooming with life. PURE LOVE

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84546
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Mar 6, 2019Views: 827
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2C-I (172), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Unknown Context (20)

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