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Dice of Life
Heroin & Oxycodone
Citation:   John Key. "Dice of Life: An Experience with Heroin & Oxycodone (exp84707)". Jan 30, 2018.

Hello, I am writing this article as a cautionary tale about the dangers of heavy opiate use/abuse.

My friends and I began smoking pot and drinking every weekend in the 10th grade. From there our drug use continued to escalate over the next few years.Junior year we began to experiement with mdma,Mushrooms,LSD,Cocaine, and some basic pills like vicodin and percocet. Some of us begain to induldge in these substances more than the others, which was a concern to some but nobody ever looked down on any of this.

After graduating highschool me and 2-5 of my friends still left in my hometown began to use oxycontin every now and then. However unlike our previous experiences with other drugs, we quickly realized this drug was very habit forming. From there I moved on to Black Tar Heroin.

It was love at first Loc, the high I felt from smoking heroin was unlike anything id felt before. Immediately I began spending more and more each week as it was taking more and more to get the desired effect. Soon all my paycheck was being spent on tar. when paychecks ran out I began stealing from family, and hawking my once valued possetions for dope money.

Long story short I lost a few friends, a few thousand dollars, and the respect of my family in just under 3 months of heroin use. I am 11 days clean right now and hope to stay clean alot longer. This story may not sound scary or anything, but I can't begin to explain the horrors,guilt,extreme highs and extreme lows involved in being a dope addict. This drug doesnt care what ones background is, how rich ones family is, what grades one got in school, it doesnt care who one is, and will bite one in the ass the second one think one is above being a junkie.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 84707
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 30, 2018Views: 1,385
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Heroin (27), Oxycodone (176) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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