Awesome Underlying Effects
Piracetam & Choline
Citation:   pewpew. "Awesome Underlying Effects: An Experience with Piracetam & Choline (exp85348)". Mar 26, 2020.

2 g oral Piracetam
  250 mg oral Vitamins - Choline
I ordered 500 grams for 30 bucks, and bought a bunch of choline tablets and it all came in yesterday.

In about 30 minutes I noticed a decent mood shift, at about an hour I could very clearly feel a buzz. My brain was doing a lot of efficient imagery and processing. Conversation was constant and clear. A lot of mental mechanics were moving a decent amount quicker than normally, quite a bit faster than they should have with the amount of sleep I'd had. The buzz occasionally preceded the mental effects though, sometimes I'd get a little ahead of myself when talking really quickly. But it never had the discombobulation and discomfort that being that alert on caffeine would make me.

I took some more with friends and went downtown for a free Nero show. I'd say this definitely adds an edge to music, but nothing more than a really strong caffeine buzz would. I had a lot of energy, but didn't feel uncomfortable sitting down and relaxing. Getting back up to dance wasn't a chore either, as it often is when I'm tired and sore and out late at night listening to loud music and find a comfortable place to sit. It felt really good to be out and about, my coordination was better and I had more mental acuity to trust it. A few friends had a couple beers and said they DEFINITELY got drunk faster.

I got home about 4-5 hours after eating the last dose, and fell asleep instantly.

Assuming I even eat 2 grams ($.12) and a choline pill ($ .07) when I do this, it's worth it. Even to have an alternative to caffeine that doesn't make me jittery and strung out, it's worth it.

Since I've started taking it (less than a week ago), cognition and number memory is noticeably better. I've been able to remember more addresses, phone numbers, gate codes, and license plate numbers than before. People that only took it once or twice when I first got it said they've had better memory too. It's not something that will make me some kind of genius, but I definitely notice some positive cognition effects that are still surprising me. Focus, memory, mental imagery, situational awareness, and motivation have all seen an improvement.

feels good man.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85348
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 26, 2020Views: 1,723
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Vitamins - Choline (467), Piracetam (95) : First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Performance Enhancement (50), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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