Like There Is No Parachute
Citation:   avedon. "Like There Is No Parachute: An Experience with MDPV (exp85591)". Feb 24, 2017.

Krak-House Report

This dope is wicked as hell. Sometimes all thoughts are misleading, which perfectly describes effects of this stimulant. It's easily taken as too big doses immediately causing overdose, a bit like coke, with nervous behavior, sexual misbehavior on a bar desk, insomnia like no other, paranoia, uneasiness and ADHD-like problems of concentration and keeping it cool. Slowly these symptoms grow deeper, causing aggressive behavior, panic attack like no other drug and finally almost pure insanity. And I am used to doing a lot stimulants and can cope with the side effects. Like there is no parachute behind a drag-racing car, you know you should shut up and press brake, but the handle just isn't there.

Large doses as OD situation, are hell to watch from aside. People just run around in circles, unable to stop endless flow of crap and usually end only when totally exhausted and drop on the spot. People also get fever and sometimes bad lung symptoms as in asthma, causing shortage of breath, nasty slime and sore throat.

Most scary effect is the all overpowering dependency on those good vibes. It's like crack -addictive as hell, cheap, has unbelievable feeling of desperation when effect wears off and so much more.

Despite the fact, I've had my experiences with staying awake chemically for weeks, even months. Done a lot of em when decided to quit

[Reported Dose: 'Any from 0.05g and up']

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85591
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Feb 24, 2017Views: 1,823
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MDPV (377) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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