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Insane Visual Experience
Citation:   Rene Charles . "Insane Visual Experience: An Experience with 2C-B (exp85658)". Jun 13, 2020.

  oral 2C-B
Setting: Friday afternoon. Sunny day. At home. Early June.

12:00pm Friend and I consume orally after lunch at Olive Garden. Nervouse and excited antispiation. Head back to her house. Watching television. Deside to go for a walk to the park.

1:30pm Sitting on the swings. Somewhat of a body high coming on. Sounds became louder. Everthing started to get really confusing. Tyring to decide if we were starting to trip. Noises becoming overwhelming (dogs barking, children laughing, cars driving by, wind in the trees, airplanes, power tools and construction, people talking, lawn mowers, etc...). We were starting to get really ansy and feeling overwhelmed with so much stimulus around. Lots of confusion, but head and mind still clear. Similar feelings to begining tripping on mushrooms.

2:00pm Came down. Completly sober. Frustrated and disapointed thinking the trip was over. Head back home.

3:00pm Watching south park on television. Slowly starting to see double without realizing.

3:30 Realizing that I'm seeing double on the television. Excitment builds that we are still tripping and a 'second wave' was comming on. Got up and walked around house knowticing changes in vision and consciescness. Body high comming back on. Looked at the clock and the second hand was moving about as slow as the minute hand would normaly move. knowticed the picture frames in the house were all crooked.

3:45pm sitting in back yard. laughing and feelings of euphoria. excitment builing dramaticly. I saw a spider on the wall about 20ft away and my vision zoomed in on it and saw it in an unexplainable way. as if looking at it through a fish eye lense. knowticed small details on it. decided to go for a walk again. My friend brother came outside and asked what we were laughing at, then told us we were acting weird.

4:00pm Bones vibrating. Head complety clear. Intense visuals. Everything became very geometric and colorful. Bushes and trees took the shape of triangles, circles, and squares. Tessellation patterns everywhere. Tracers on cars and bugs. Everything looked like a pixar animation or cartooned or plastic ish. I could reach out and touch my friend but it looked like she was 20 feet away. As we walked it seemed like we were walking in place like the world was a treadmill. Joyful interaction with people around neighbor hood. It seemed like everyone was smiling. Headed back to house. A little bit of mental trip and ideas / theories coming forth.

5:00pm Decided to go on a walk again. Enjoying the patterns. Plants looked insane. Patterns looked like they went on forever in every direction but in the same spot at the same time. Hard to explain. Everything was warped, but still easy to recognize. Head completely clear. extreme euphoria. walked back to house.

6:00pm Decided to go on a walk again. came back home and helped my friend with here math homework. Ironically it was geometry and it seemed simple to both of us.

7:00pm Sitting in the park. All the noises were becoming jumbled together. Feelings similar to mushrooms right after you peek and right before you come down when everything starts speading up and a lot is going on. Visuals and noises became overwhelming. sat in the grass. everything was moving too fast to take in.

8:00 Came down. Walked back home feeling like we just came off of a roller coaster. Became really confused thinking it was monday when it was still friday night. Super mind fuck on time perception.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 85658
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 13, 2020Views: 814
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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